The Relation of Master and Disciple in Antiquity (Sept. 6, Madrid)
THE RELATION MASTER AND DISCIPLE IN ANTIQUITY: TRANSMISSION, TRANSFORMATION AND RECEPTION September 6, 2021 This conference is happening both in-person and online. For those interested in registering, send an email to Beatriz Bossi: Location: Facultad de Filosofía, Edificio A, Sala de Juntas (Ground floor on the left) Session 1: Chair: Patricia Marechal 9.30: Claudia Marsico: Socrates as a teacher and the nature of the Socratic circle 10.00: David Ebrey: Socrates as Model and Guide in the Phaedo 10.30: Jens Kristian Larsen: The Beauty in the Eye of the Other: Alcibiades 1 on justice, courage, and self-knowledge (online) 11.00: Carlo Cacciatori: A good student, an even better master: Plato on φρόνησις. 11.30: Coffee Break Session 2: Chair: David Ebrey 12.00: Ángel Pascual Martín: Hippocrates brings ‘bad news’ (Prot. 310b4; 310e3) On envy and threats from disciples to teachers 12.30: Jonathan Lavilla de Lera: Aporia in the Laches and the Gorgias (online) 13.00: Patricia [...]