Appel à contribution // Call for papers : SEP Workshop 2018 : Cosmology in Plato’s Parmenides (29-30 mai 2018 – Paris)

Posted by Olivier RENAUT APPEL A CONTRIBUTION / ATELIER PLATONICIEN 2018 : La cosmologie dans le Parménide de Platon La Société d’Etudes Platoniciennes tiendra ses Ateliers 2018 les 29 et 30 mai prochains à l’Ecole Normale Supérieure de la rue d’Ulm à Paris. Cette manifestation publique permet la présentation de travaux en cours, non encore publiés, sur Platon et la tradition platonicienne, devant les membres de la Société d’Etudes Platoniciennes. Une large place est donnée à la discussion des travaux présentés. Les Ateliers sont ouverts aux chercheurs confirmés aussi bien qu’aux doctorants et aux contributions en langues française, italienne, espagnole, allemande et anglaise. Cette année, l’Atelier sera consacré au thème suivant, « Platon et la cosmologie dans le Parménide », dans la perspective du Symposium Platonicum XII qui aura lieu à Paris en 2019 et qui aura pour objet le Parménide de Platon. Nous recevons à cette occasion  Luc Brisson, Francesco [...]

2020-05-25T10:27:01+00:00Categories: Previous Conferences|

Call for papers : “Forming the Soul: Plato and his Opponents” (20-22 April 2018, Taipei)

“Forming the Soul: Plato and his Opponents” 20~22 April 2018, Taipei   The 2nd Asia Regional Meeting of the International Plato Society International Conference     One must study the nature of the soul in order to practice true rhetoric, as Plato reveals in the Phaedrus. In 2014, we had the first Asia Regional Meeting of the International Plato Society (IPS) in Yokohama, with the theme “Plato and Rhetoric.” This time, we move from rhetoric to the soul (ψυχή) and ask: What is the soul? Does the soul take many forms? How does the soul act and how is it acted upon? Which kind of soul is affected by which kind of speech, and in which way? Discussions of the soul are spread throughout Plato’s dialogues. They are concerned not only with the form(s) of the soul but also with ways of forming the soul. This is not [...]

CFP : Panel “New approaches to Plato” for the Celtic Conference in Classics

New Approaches to Plato in Context The last twenty years have witnessed a renewed interest in the study of the Platonic dialogues in their literary, historical, and sociopolitical contexts. From groundbreaking work on the genre of the dialogue, to reassessments of Plato as a political philosopher, and numerous publications on Plato as a theorist of performance and critic of democracy, recent scholarship on Plato in context has often sought to go beyond strict adherence to the methodologies of analytical philosophy, emphasizing instead Plato’s embeddedness within classical Athenian culture. At the same time, this contextualized study of the dialogues has taken advantage of theoretical perspectives drawn from disciplines such as anthropology, comparative literature and literary theory, performance studies, and sociology. On the surface, these innovative approaches to Plato may appear to have little in common with each other; yet, in toto, it might be argued that renewed interest in Plato [...]

2020-05-25T10:27:15+00:00Categories: Announcements, Events, Previous Conferences|

Appel à contribution // Call for papers : Atelier International de la Société d’Etudes Platoniciennes (2nd and 3rd June 2016 – Paris)

Posted by Olivier RENAUT L'Atelier International de la Société d'Etudes Platoniciennes aura lieu les jeudi 2 et vendredi 3 juin 2016. APPEL A CONTRIBUTION / CALL FOR PAPERS La Société d’Etudes Platoniciennes tiendra ses Ateliers 2016 le 2 et 3 juin prochains à l’Université Paris Ouest Nanterre La Défense. Cette manifestation publique est dédiée à la présentation de travaux en cours, non encore publiés, sur Platon et la tradition platonicienne, devant les membres de la Société d’Etudes Platoniciennes. Une large place est donnée à la discussion des travaux présentés. Les Ateliers sont ouverts aux chercheurs confirmés aussi bien qu’aux doctorants et aux contributions en langues française, italienne, espagnole, allemande et anglaise. Les candidats adressent un texte de présentation de leur projet (1000 mots maximum) avant le 21 mars 2016 à l’adresse suivante : *** The Société d’Etudes Platoniciennes will hold the SEP WORKSHOP 2016 on June, 2nd and 3rd at [...]

2020-05-25T10:27:27+00:00Categories: Previous Conferences|

Call for Papers : “Mouseion Special Issue: Death of a Gadfly: An Interdisciplinary Examination of the Trial and Death of Socrates”

On behalf of John Harris Mouseion: Journal of the Classical Association of Canada is pleased to announce a Call For Papers for an upcoming Special Issue, Death of a Gadfly: An Interdisciplinary Examination of the Trial and Execution of Socrates, guest-edited by John Harris (Associate Professor, History and Classics, University of Alberta) and Kathrin Koslicki (Professor and Tier 1 Canada Research Chair, Philosophy, University of Alberta). Many questions persist today concerning the circumstances surrounding Socrates’ trial and execution as well as his life and the substance of his philosophical views.  How and why was Socrates brought to trial?  Why did the Athenian jurors, who were after all members of the world’s first democracy, find him guilty?  Were the official charges against Socrates in fact trumped up?  Was the real motivation behind his conviction political?  Why did Socrates refuse to accept the opportunity to escape execution and instead submit to [...]

2020-05-25T10:27:33+00:00Categories: Previous Conferences|

CFP: XI Symposium Platonicum: Plato’s Phaedo

Extension of deadline for submission of abstracts - 12 September The International Plato Society welcomes submissions for the next XI Symposium Platonicum: Plato's Phaedo, to be held in Brasilia, 4-8 July 2016. Due technical issues we experienced with the website, the deadline for submission of abstracts for the XI Symposium Platonicum has been extended to 12 September 2015. For detailed information on how to submit an abstract, please see here. If you have any question, please feel free to send an email to

2020-05-25T10:27:39+00:00Categories: Previous Conferences|

Call for papers : III International Congress of Greek Philosophy (Iberian Society of Greek Philosophy – Lisbon)

The Sociedade Ibérica de Filosofia Grega (SIFG) brings forth the III International Congress of Greek Philosophy in the 20th, 21st and 22nd April 2016, in the Faculty of Letters of the University of Lisbon.   We welcome all proposals, which address any theme of the domain of ancient philosophy, namely dealing with one of the following topics: 1) Pre-Socratic thought; 2) Plato; 3) Aristotle; 4) Hellenistic philosophy; 5) Neo-Platonism; 6) projection, influence and reception of ancient philosophy. The meeting is organised in collaboration with the Department of Philosophy of the Faculty of Letters of the University of Lisbon, the Group of History of Philosophy of the Centre of Philosophy of the University of Lisbon (HPhil) and the Project of the Annotated Translation of the Complete Works of Aristotle (PTDC/MHC-FIL/3672/2012). Submission of proposals Whoever wishes to submit a proposal must send an abstract with the length and features stated below, until [...]

2020-05-25T10:27:45+00:00Categories: Announcements, Events, Previous Conferences|

Call for papers. La vérité : Platon et les sophistes

Colloque international de la section méditerranéenne de la société platonicienne internationale Convegno internazionale della sezione mediterranea dell’associazione internazionale dei platonisti / Congreso internacional de la sección mediterranea de la sociedad internacional de platonistas / International meeting of the mediterranean section of the international plato society LA VÉRITÉ : PLATON ET LES SOPHISTES LA VERDAD : PLATÓN Y LOS SOFISTAS / LA VERITÀ : PLATONE E I SOFISTI / TRUTH : PLATO AND THE SOPHISTS   AIX-EN-PROVENCE (France) - 9-11 OCTOBRE 2015 La Section méditerranéenne de la Société platonicienne internationale est une section locale de l’International Plato Society fondée à Pisa en 2013 à l’occasion du Xe Symposium Platonicum. Elle regroupe des chercheurs du bassin méditerranéen dont les contributions confirment l’importance de l’apport de cette aire géographique aux études platoniciennes. Les Symposia de l’International Plato Society portant sur des dialogues de Platon, le principe retenu par la Section méditerranéenne de la Société platonicienne internationale est que ses Colloques porteront, eux, sur [...]

2020-05-25T10:27:51+00:00Categories: Announcements, Previous Conferences|

Ateliers de la Société d’Etudes Platoniciennes

The Société d'Etudes Platoniciennes will hold the SEP WORKSHOP 2015 on June, 25th and 26th at the University of Paris Ouest Nanterre La Défense. This event, open to the public, is dedicated to the presentation of ongoing research, unpublished, on Plato and the platonic tradition, before the members of the Société d'Etudes Platoniciennes. In depth discussion upon presented papers is willfully open. The Workshop is open to confirmed scholars as well as PHD students, for contributions in French, Italian, Spanish, German and English.

2020-05-25T10:27:56+00:00Categories: Announcements, Previous Conferences|Tags: |

II Simposio Nacional de Filosofía Antigua (Asociación Argentina de Filosofía Antigua)

«Conocimiento, ética y estética en la Filosofía Antigua» Rosario, 14 y 15 de Mayo de 2015 Facultad de Humanidades y Artes Universidad Nacional de Rosario II Simposio Nacional de Filosofía Antigua. Rosario 2015 Primera Circular Las Jornadas estarán conformadas por: Conferencias Ponencias individuales Mesas Redondas Presentación de libros Inscripción y envío de abstracts El plazo de inscripción y envío de abstracts vence el 15 de Marzo de 2015. No se aceptarán trabajos sin relación temática con el eje de las Jornadas: «Conocimiento, ética y estética en la Filosofía Antigua». Los estudiantes expositores deberán contar con el aval de un docente. Cada expositor contará con un tiempo de exposición de 20 minutos y de 10 minutos para preguntas y discusiones. Las inscripciones de asistentes, expositores e integrantes de mesas redondas se realizarán a través del formulario alojado en la siguiente dirección: Al momento de realizar la inscripción online se requerirá [...]

2020-05-25T10:28:02+00:00Categories: Announcements, Events, Previous Conferences|
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