IPS Mid Term Meeting

The IPS is pleased to announce that the Mid-Term Meeting for the period 2022-2025 will be split into two parts, on close themes, and will be organized by two different teams: Part I will be held in Japan on the occasion of the 4th Asia Regional Meeting, on "Plato and the Gods", 11-13 September 2024, Nagoya University (see attached announcement and call for papers here). Part II will be held in Italy on "Asebeia, Eusebeia. Plato on impiety, piety and religion, 15-17 January 2025, Milan, Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore. This meeting will take place both in person and online. Presentations and discussion will be in all languages officially accepted by the IPS (English, German, French, Italian, Spanish and Portuguese). The Call for Papers and details will be published in May 2024.

The 4th Asia Regional Meeting of the International Plato Society “Plato and Gods” 11-13 September 2024, Nagoya University, Japan

According to a middle Platonist, Alcinous, the aim of life is to become as godlike as possible, a theme that Plato addresses in various ways. Indeed, in Republic X, it is said that those who live a life of justice become like god as far as possible for a human being. Famously, in the Theaetetus, Plato argues that to escape from earth is to become like god so far as possible, and this likeness is to be just and pious with wisdom. The concept of godlikeness appears to be intricately connected not just to Plato's ethics, but also to his epistemological views. In Republic VI, philosophers are depicted as gazing upon and imitating the Forms, thus attaining a divine state. Similarly, in the Phaedrus, the philosopher's soul is portrayed as following the divine circular motions, beholding the Forms. Do these descriptions represent various approaches to explaining the same philosophical concept, [...]

Call for papers : Koinonia in Plato’s Philosophy (Online – July 19-23, 2021)

July 19-23, 2021 - Pontifical Catholic University of Peru - Lima, Peru [ONLINE – due to pandemic restrictions] Koinonia in Plato's Philosophy International Plato Society Mid-Term Meeting / Call for abstracts Plato uses the term "Koinonia" in a wide variety of important ways. It signifies the relation of the forms with each other as well as the relation we can have with them, but also both relations between individual people and between individual and the community as a whole. Although this term has been the object of intense scholarly scrutiny, many issues remain to be explored. We will consider abstracts on any aspect of the subject, including the metaphysical, epistemological, social, and ethical dimensions of koinonia.   Submission guidelines: Please submit title and abstract of 500 words (max.), double-spaced, 12 pt type, formatted for anonymous review. Name, Paper Title, Affiliation, Postal address, email address, included as an attachement in the email to [...]

2021-06-29T19:36:51+00:00Categories: Announcements, Regional meetings|

IPS Regional Meeting Report : “Forming the Soul: Plato and his Opponents” (20-22 April 2018, Taipei, Taiwan)

“Forming the Soul: Plato and his Opponents” 20~22 April 2018, Taipei   The 2nd Asia Regional Meeting of the International Plato Society International Conference   The International Conference “Forming the Soul: Plato and his Opponents” was held from 20th to 22nd April 2018 in Chinese Culture University, Taipei, Taiwan. The conference was endorsed by the International Plato Society as a Regional Meeting, and supported by the Ministry of Science and Technology (MOST) and Chinese Culture University in Taiwan. The conference received warm helps from international friends, including our Korean and Japanese IPS members, and local backing from the colleagues and students in the Department of Philosophy of Chinese Culture University, and other Taiwanese scholars who were doing ancient philosophy and history, and those who specialized in other fields but were friendly and helping to this Platonic event. The conference was the first formal academic activity of the International [...]

April 20th-22th // “Forming the Soul : Plato and his Opponents” – 2nd Asia Regional Meeting of the IPS

The 2nd Asia Regional Meeting of the International Plato Society International Conference “Forming the Soul: Plato and his Opponents”   This conference will be the first academic activity of the International Plato Society taking place in Taiwan (and in the Chinese-speaking world). The conference will be hosted in Chinese Culture University, Taipei, Taiwan, from 20th to 22nd April 2018. More information and the last version of the program are available at https://sites.google.com/view/ips-asia-2018   There will be three invited speeches: Debra Nails (Michigan State University) : Forms and the Psyche Nickolas Pappas (City College and Graduate Center, CUNY) : What Becomes of a Soul: Hope for a Philosophical City in the Myth of Er Noburu Notomi (Tokyo University; IPS ex-president) : Why Soul Matters: Reconsidering the Philosophical Contexts of Plato’s On Soul   And the selected papers contributed by scholars from Asia and other regions:   [metaphysics & epistemology] Liliana Carolina [...]

2018-04-14T13:19:23+00:00Categories: Announcements, Events, Regional meetings|

Call for Papers : Plato’s heritage in historical perspective: intellectual transformations and new research strategies (St. Petersburg, August 28th-30th 2018)

The International Plato Society (IPS) is pleased to announce the colloquium “Plato’s heritage in historical perspective: intellectual transformations and new research strategies”, which will take place in St. Petersburg, Russia on the 28th and 30th of August 2018. The colloquium will serve as a platform for the IPS Executive Committee’s mid-term meeting. The study of Plato’s heritage is a way of diagnosing modernity - in so far as it is made explicit in philosophical discourse. This is precisely why intellectual transformations and new research strategies are relevant themes for both international and Russian Plato studies. We propose the following topics for the colloquium: The history of Plato interpretation as an element of the evolution of European culture. Different periods and tendencies of interpretive programs. Schools of thought and intellectual trends which shaped and determined the study of Plato in the 19th and 20th centuries. The specifics of the study of Plato’s heritage [...]

Call for papers : “Forming the Soul: Plato and his Opponents” (20-22 April 2018, Taipei)

“Forming the Soul: Plato and his Opponents” 20~22 April 2018, Taipei   The 2nd Asia Regional Meeting of the International Plato Society International Conference     One must study the nature of the soul in order to practice true rhetoric, as Plato reveals in the Phaedrus. In 2014, we had the first Asia Regional Meeting of the International Plato Society (IPS) in Yokohama, with the theme “Plato and Rhetoric.” This time, we move from rhetoric to the soul (ψυχή) and ask: What is the soul? Does the soul take many forms? How does the soul act and how is it acted upon? Which kind of soul is affected by which kind of speech, and in which way? Discussions of the soul are spread throughout Plato’s dialogues. They are concerned not only with the form(s) of the soul but also with ways of forming the soul. This is not [...]

La vérité : Platon et les sophistes // Colloque international de la section méditerranéenne de la société platonicienne internationale

COLLOQUE INTERNATIONAL DE LA SECTION MÉDITERRANÉENNE DE LA SOCIÉTÉ PLATONICIENNE INTERNATIONALE CONGRESO INTERNACIONAL DE LA SECCIÓN MEDITERRANEA DE LA SOCIEDAD INTERNACIONAL DE PLATONISTAS CONVEGNO INTERNAZIONALE DELLA SEZIONE MEDITERRANEA DELL’ASSOCIAZIONE INTERNAZIONALE DEI PLATONISTI INTERNATIONAL MEETING OF THE MEDITERRANEAN SECTION OF THE INTERNATIONAL PLATO SOCIETY LA VÉRITÉ : PLATON ET LES SOPHISTES LA VERDAD : PLATÓN Y LOS SOFISTAS LA VERITÀ : PLATONE E I SOFISTI TRUTH : PLATO AND THE SOPHISTS AIX-EN-PROVENCE (France) 9-11 OCTOBRE 2015 Programme provisoire vendredi 9 octobre matin 09h30 : Accueil des participants 10h30: Allocution d’ouverture par le Monsieur le président de l’Université d’Aix-Marseille 11h15: Conférence : Tomás Calvo (Université Complutense de Madrid) Réfutation socratique et réfutation sophistique chez Platon après-midi 14h: Aldo BRANCACCI (Université de Rome), Significato, verità e metodo in Prodico 14h20: Silvia GASTALDI (Université de Pavie), Platone, i sofisti e una verità antropologica : il dibattito sul diritto del più forte 14h40: Discussion 15h: Piera DE PIANO (Université de Naples), La verità nelle parole di due condannati a [...]

2016-02-01T21:01:04+00:00Categories: Announcements, Events, Regional meetings|

Midterm Meeting : Platonic Moral Realism

International Plato Society - Midterm Meeting Platonic Moral Realism   Please visit : http://www.agnesscott.edu/philosophy/international-plato-society.html   March 13 - 15, 2015 Emory Univeristy - Atlanta, Ga The metaphysical thesis that such Forms as the Good or the Just enjoy an existence independent of human opinions or social arrangements is generally taken to entail the objectivity of certain human values.  Conference sessions will explore the metaphysical grounding for these values or for the virtues, method(s) of discovering and explicating the nature of moral values and virtues, and the means of coming to possess or partake in them, as found in Plato’s dialogues or in the Platonic tradition. Plenary Speakers: Luc Brisson, Centre National De La Recherche Scientifique Sarah Broadie, University of St. Andrews Melissa Lane, Princeton University John Rist, University of Toronto Sponsored By Agnes Scott College, Emory University, University Of Georgia With support from Agnes Scott College, James T. and Ella Rather [...]

2016-11-02T22:57:15+00:00Categories: Announcements, Regional meetings|Tags: |
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