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The 4th Asia Regional Meeting of the International Plato Society “Plato and Gods” 11-13 September 2024, Nagoya University, Japan
According to a middle Platonist, Alcinous, the aim of life is to become as godlike as possible, a theme that Plato addresses in various ways. Indeed, in Republic X, it is said that those who [...]
In Memoriam Giovanni Casertano (1941-2023)
Giovanni Casertano was a founding member of the IPS, was born in Santa Maria Capua Vetere on 6 March 1941. A pupil of Giuseppe Martano, the first holder of the History of Ancient Philosophy chair [...]
Plato Journal, Volume 23 (2022)
The International Plato Society's journal, Plato Journal, has released its 23rd volume for 2022, available now at impactum-journals.uc.pt/platojournal. (See here for the full PDF.) Articles by Lucas Alvarez, Athanasia Giasoumi, Michael Wiitala, Manlio Fossati, Noburu Notomi, Bernard Suzanne, [...]
New Publication: Séparation et relation chez Platon et chez Plotin
Séparation et relation chez Platon et chez Plotin By Michel Fattal. 2022. 100 pp. 12.00 EUR softcover. ISBN: 978-2-343-25507-1. Paris: L'Harmattan. (Ouverture Philosophique) French/Français: L'originalité de la philosophie de Platon et de Plotin est de [...]
Plato Journal, Volume 22 (2021)
The International Plato Society's journal, Plato Journal, has released its 22nd volume for 2021, available now at impactum-journals.uc.pt/platojournal. (See here for the full PDF.) Introduction by Richard Perry, with dossiers from Michael Augustín, Renato Matoso, Xin [...]
New Publication: Models of Desire in Graeco-Arabic Philosophy—From Plotinus to Ibn Ṭufayl
Models of Desire in Graeco-Arabic Philosophy: From Plotinus to Ibn Ṭufayl By Bethany Somma. 2021. xii, 271 pp. 120.00 EUR / 144.00 USD, hardcover/PDF. ISBN: 978-90-04-46083-6 [hardcover]/978-90-04-46084-3 [PDF]. Leiden: Brill. (Studies in Platonism, Neoplatonism, and [...]
New Publication: “Plato in Poland, 1800–1950”
Plato in Poland, 1800–1950 By Tomasz Mróz 2021. Baden-Baden: Academia Verlag. 480 pp. 99.00 EUR. ISBN: 978-3-89665-946-0 (hardcover). [English description] The book attempts to make the Polish reception of Plato available to non-Polish readers. The years [...]
New Publication: “Montrer l’âme: Lecture du Phèdre de Platon” (French)
Montrer l'âme: Lecture du Phèdre de Platon By Anca Vasiliu 2021. Paris: Sorbonne Université Presses. 486 pp. 18.00 EUR. ISBN: 979-10-231-0669-5 (softcover). [English description] Like the Phaedrus, this study is presented as an open book. By [...]
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