Just Published: Platon und die Physis

Platon und die Physis Edited by/Herausgegeben von Dietmar Koch, Irmgard Männlein-Robert & Niels Weidtmann 2020. 289 pp. 69,00 Euro. Hardcover/E-Book. ISBN: 978-3-16-157739-0. (Tübinger Platon-Tage 1) [English] This is a selection of articles presented at the international »Tübinger Platon-Tage« (Symposium on Plato) which took place in 2016. These papers, which vary thematically and methodologically, study Plato's semantically and philosophically broad concept of physis, focusing on biology, medicine, anthropology and cosmology as well as ontological, epistemological, educational and theological issues. Thus this volume documents the highlights of current and international Plato research, a timeless and fascinating subject. [Deutsch] Der vorliegende Band umfasst Beiträge zu einem zentralen Thema bei Platon: 'Physis' kann bei Platon im naturwissenschaftlichen Sinne als physische, biologische, materielle Natur oder im übertragenen Sinne als eigenes Wesen, etwa hinsichtlich Seele, Kosmos oder Göttlichem, verstanden werden. So werden in diesem Band medizinische, biologische und kosmologische Ansätze ebenso wie ontologische, epistemologische und pädagogische Themen [...]

2020-07-24T08:55:26+00:00Categories: Just published, Other Announcements|

Conrado Eggers Lan Prize for the Best Dissertation on Plato 2016-2019

Dissertation Prize Results Every three years the International Plato Society awards a prize for the best dissertation on Plato. The prize is in honor of Conrado Eggers Lan (pictured above), Professor of Ancient Philosophy at Universities of Buenos Aires, Heidelberg, and Autónoma de México (UNAM), host of the First Symposium Platonicum (Mexico City, 1986), and one of the founders of our society. The Editorial Committee of the IPS has now evaluated the dissertations on Plato written between 2016 and 2019 that were submitted for the award and come to a decision. We are pleased to announce that the winner of the prize is: Evan Glenn Rodriguez, Exploring Both Sides: Plato's New Method for First Principles, a PhD dissertation completed in 2016 at Yale University and supervised by Verity Harte. The Editorial Committee would also like to recognize the excellence of two other dissertations written by: Carmen Di Lorenzo (second) and [...]

2020-07-10T20:23:43+00:00Categories: Other Announcements|

Results for the 2nd Ed. Conrado Eggers Lan Prize

Every three years the International Plato Society awards a prize for the best dissertation on Plato. The prize is in honor of Conrado Eggers Lan (pictured left), Professor of Ancient Philosophy at Universities of Buenos Aires, Heidelberg, and Autónoma de México (UNAM), host of the First Symposium Platonicum (Mexico City, 1986), and one of the founders of our society. The Editorial Committee of the IPS has now evaluated the dissertations on Plato written between 2016 and 2019 that were submitted for the award and come to a decision. We are pleased to announce that the winner of the prize is: Evan Glenn Rodriguez, Exploring Both Sides: Plato's New Method for First Principles, a PhD dissertation completed in 2016 at Yale University and supervised by Verity Harte. The Editorial Committee would also like to recognize the excellence of two other dissertations written by: Carmen Di Lorenzo (second) and Lorenzo Giovanetti (third). [...]

CFP: Symposium Platonicum Pragense XIII, on Plato’s Phaedrus (Nov. 3-5, 2021)

The Czech Plato Society is pleased to announce the XIIIth Symposium Platonicum Pragense on Plato’s Phaedrus. The conference will be held on 3–5 November 2021 in Prague, Czech Republic. The Czech Plato Society has organised international and national conferences on Plato’s philosophy since 1997. There is a call for abstracts for the conference, due May 31, 2021. See their announcement for information.

2022-01-27T11:20:44+00:00Categories: Previous Conferences|

Call for papers : Koinonia in Plato’s Philosophy (Online – July 19-23, 2021)

July 19-23, 2021 - Pontifical Catholic University of Peru - Lima, Peru [ONLINE – due to pandemic restrictions] Koinonia in Plato's Philosophy International Plato Society Mid-Term Meeting / Call for abstracts Plato uses the term "Koinonia" in a wide variety of important ways. It signifies the relation of the forms with each other as well as the relation we can have with them, but also both relations between individual people and between individual and the community as a whole. Although this term has been the object of intense scholarly scrutiny, many issues remain to be explored. We will consider abstracts on any aspect of the subject, including the metaphysical, epistemological, social, and ethical dimensions of koinonia.   Submission guidelines: Please submit title and abstract of 500 words (max.), double-spaced, 12 pt type, formatted for anonymous review. Name, Paper Title, Affiliation, Postal address, email address, included as an attachement in the email to [...]

2021-06-29T19:36:51+00:00Categories: Announcements, Regional meetings|

The IPS at the APA—Virtually (June 24 and 30, 2020)

The IPS will hold the two sessions originally scheduled for the American Philosophical Association Pacific Division virtually on Zoom. Although the entire meeting of the APA was cancelled, we have managed to find times when all the participants in each session could be present at their session. Because we are truly an international organization and because reason cannot fully overcome necessity, many of our members around the world will not be able to participate in one or both sessions. We must also limit the number of participants to make the Zoom group manageable. If you would like to join the session, please register by sending an email to president@platosociety.org, and you will receive an invitation. Here is the schedule: I. Plato's Late Dialogues: Metaphysics Wednesday, June 24, 2020 at 1:00-3:00PM EDT (=GMT-4) Chair: Georgia Mouroutsou (University of Western Ontario) Tom Tuozzo (University of Kansas), "The Being of the One that [...]

2021-02-02T14:09:18+00:00Categories: Previous Conferences|

West Coast Plato Workshop (May 14-16, 2021)

This year, the 2021 West Coast Plato Workshop will be hosted by Northern Arizona University's Department of Philosophy. The focus of this year's Workshop is Plato's Sophist, with topics on: the greatest Kinds and their interrelations; the definitions of sophistry; and the Stranger's method of doing philosophy. For workshop details and registration, head over to: www.nau.edu/cal/plato. List of speakers and their topics: Keynote: Mary Louise Gill (Brown University): "Images of the Philosopher in the Sophist" Xin Liu (Nanjing University, China): “Koinōnia Megistōn Genōn: From the Exercise of One-Many in the Parmenides to the Exercise of Being-Nonbeing in the Sophist" Comments by Benjamin Keoseyan (University of Arizona) Pauline Sabrier (Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg, Germany): “Change, Rest and Greatest Kinds in Plato’s Sophist” Comments by Chris Buckels (Junípero Serra High School, San Mateo, California) Colin C. Smith (University of Colorado Boulder): “Being as Communion: Sophist 248b2-8” Comments by Timothy Clarke (University of California Berkeley) Jan Szaif [...]

2021-06-29T19:35:31+00:00Categories: Announcements, Previous Conferences|

In memoriam Hans Richarz (1924-2020)

Hans Richarz, born 11 October 1924, Sankt Augustin, Germany, died in the same place, 7 April 2020. During the VII Symposium Platonicum at Würzburg from 26 to 31 July 2004, the General Assembly of the International Plato Society approved unanimously that Dr. Richarz be awarded the first Honorary Membership of the Society, which he accepted, remaining to date the only such recipient. Hans Richarz was the founder of Academia Verlag. On the initiative of Livio Rossetti and Rafael Ferber, he agreed in 1990 to publish the Proceedings of the Symposia Platonica and other books on Plato in the newly founded series «International Plato Studies» in the Academia Verlag, St. Augustin, Germany, now an imprint of Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft, Baden-Baden. Since 1990, there have been 39 published volumes. Among them are the proceedings of the Symposia Platonica, as well as dissertations and the works of leading Plato scholars of different orientations. From [...]

Call for papers: Image and Imagination in Plato (Seoul, South Korea, Nov. 27–29, 2020)

Plato’s attitude towards images is ambiguous. On the one hand, there are unmistakable signs that he denounces the status of images. In the simile of the Line, he puts images in the lowest subsection. He criticizes image-makers such as poets and painters. One of his main criticisms of the sophists is also that they are image-makers. On the other hand, Plato’s dialogues are full of vivid images. He may even have thought that the use of images and imagination is an intermediate step and a necessary means for achieving the highest level of understanding. How should we account for this ambiguity?  Traditional studies on Plato’s views of image and imagination have focused mainly on the Republic and the Sophist, especially on his negative treatments of images and image-makings in them. In recent decades, however, more attention has been given to his positive views both in these dialogues and in other [...]

2021-02-02T10:19:32+00:00Categories: Previous Conferences, Uncategorized|

The IPS at the APA Central Division—Virtually (Feb. 24, 2021)

The IPS will be holding a session (co-sponsored by the International Society for Socratic Studies) originally scheduled for the American Philosophical Association Central Division virtually on Zoom, due to the Coronavirus pandemic. If you would like to join the session, please register at the APA's site, and you will receive an invitation. For more information about the meeting, see the APA program page. Here is the schedule: I. Topic: Socrates Wednesday, February 24, 2020 at 7:00–10:00 PM CST (=GMT-6) Chair: Roslyn Weiss (Lehigh University) William Altman (Independent Scholar), "Xenophon and Plato: Back and Forth with the Two Greatest Socratics" Sophia Stone (Lynn University), "What Socrates Teaches" Hugh Benson (University of Oklahoma), “Socrates' Two technai"  

2021-03-02T13:41:48+00:00Categories: Previous Conferences|
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