5-6 May, West Coast Plato Workshop, University of Denver, Denver, CO, USA
5-6 May, West Coast Plato Workshop, University of Denver, Denver, CO, USA
5-6 May, West Coast Plato Workshop, University of Denver, Denver, CO, USA
19-22 April, Ancient Philosophy Society, XII Annual Independent Meeting, University of San Francisco, San Francisco, California, USA.
CNRS (UPR-76), Université Paris 1 – Panthéon Sorbonne (GRAMATA et ANHIMA), avec le soutien de la Société des Etudes Platoniciennes, l’International Plato Society, et de la Mairie de Paris Colloque international – International symposium Genre et sexualité dans la cite La politique du sexe dans les dialogues de Platon Gender and sexuality in the city Politics of sex in Plato’s Dialogues 1-3 mars 2012 INHA Auditorium 2, rue Vivienne, 75002 Paris Les dialogues de Platon constituent un espace propice à la réélaboration des questions de genre, de sexe et de sexualité dans l’Antiquité ; l’un des enjeux de ce colloque international, qui annonce le Symposium Platonicum qui se tiendra à Pise en 2013 sur le Banquet de Platon, consiste à réaffirmer l’importance de ce philosophe quant à la constitution de repères et de thèses pour l’ensemble de l’Antiquité grecque. Tout d’abord, les dialogues sont une source textuelle pour le philologue, [...]
SOCRATICA III A Conference on Socrates, the Socratics, and Ancient Socratic Literature An International Symposium organized by the Università degli Studi di Trento with the support of the Istituto Italiano per gli Studi Filosofici and the International Plato Society www.socratica.eu Trento, February 23-25, 2012 Socratica III is part of a process that began in 2003 with a conference held in Aix-en-Provence, that went on in 2005 and 2008 with the previous Socratica sessions held in Senigallia and Naples, and that is likely to continue with further comparable conferences. Their ratio is to be found in the developments of the research on the complex world serving as a context for Plato and his dialogues. Beyond the State of the Art The young history of these lines of research is centered on Giannantoni’s Socratis et Socraticorum Reliquiae (1990), since this sylloge concluded a [...]
17th Annual Arizona Colloquium in Ancient Philosophy: Plato's Euthyphro, Apology, and Crito Friday and Saturday, February 17 - 18, 2012 University of Arizona, Tucson College of Law 160 1202 E Speedway Boulevard, Tucson AZ This year's conference on "Plato's Euthyphro, Apology, and Crito" features speakers Betty Belfiore (University of Minnesota), Chris Bobonich (Stanford University), Margaret Cameron (University of Victoria), Louie-Andre Dorion (University of Montreal), Rusty Jones (Harvard University), Keith McPartland (Williams College), Donald Morrison (Rice University), David O'Connor (Notre Dame University), Sandra Peterson (University of Minnesota), Bill Prior (Santa Clara University), Nick Smith (Lewis & Clark College), Roslyn Weiss (LeHigh University), and Paul Woodruff (University of Texas) For the conference program and to register, please visit the Arizona Colloquium in Ancient Philosophy website
19-25 de novembro, Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, Instituto de Filosofia e Ciências Sociais, e Programa de Estudos em Filosofia Antiga: VI Colóquio Platônico: Politeía, VI, Parque Nacional do Itatiaia, Brasil
10-12 November 2011, Eighth International Plato Symposium in Prague, on the theme of Plato's Statesman, Czech Plato Society, Charles University in Prague, J. E. Purkyně University in Ústí n. L. and Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, Prague, Czech Republic.
21-23 October, Society for Ancient Greek Philosophy (with the Society for the Study of Islamic Philosophy and Science), New York, NY, USA.
26-30 September, Mediterranean Section, International Plato Society, Chania, Crete: Parmenides
14-17 April, Ancient Philosophy Society, XI Annual Independent Meeting, Sundance Resort, Sundance, UT, USA.