Call for Papers : “Mouseion Special Issue: Death of a Gadfly: An Interdisciplinary Examination of the Trial and Death of Socrates”

On behalf of John Harris Mouseion: Journal of the Classical Association of Canada is pleased to announce a Call For Papers for an upcoming Special Issue, Death of a Gadfly: An Interdisciplinary Examination of the Trial and Execution of Socrates, guest-edited by John Harris (Associate Professor, History and Classics, University of Alberta) and Kathrin Koslicki (Professor and Tier 1 Canada Research Chair, Philosophy, University of Alberta). Many questions persist today concerning the circumstances surrounding Socrates’ trial and execution as well as his life and the substance of his philosophical views.  How and why was Socrates brought to trial?  Why did the Athenian jurors, who were after all members of the world’s first democracy, find him guilty?  Were the official charges against Socrates in fact trumped up?  Was the real motivation behind his conviction political?  Why did Socrates refuse to accept the opportunity to escape execution and instead submit to [...]

2020-05-25T10:27:33+00:00Categories: Previous Conferences|

Results of Plato “Conrado Eggers Lan” Prize

International Plato Society Best Dissertation on Plato “Conrado Eggers Lan” Prize Results Conrado Eggers Lan was Ancient Philosophy Professor at the Universities of Buenos Aires, Heidelberg and Autónoma de México (UNAM). Co-founder of the International Plato Society and host of the First Symposium Platonicum held in Mexico City in 1986. Dissertations Prize Results We are delighted to announce, on behalf of Professor Franco Ferrari, head of the IPS Editorial Committee, that we have a winner for the Conrado Eggers Lan Prize for outstanding dissertations in the field of Platonic studies. Evaluation has been carried out by an ad hoc Committee, chosen by the Editorial Committee and coordinated by Franco Ferrari: Mario Vegetti, Luc Brisson, Francesco Fronterotta, Lesley Brown, Alonso Tordesillas, Francisco Gonzalez, Francisco Lisi, Marcelo Boeri, Irmgard Männlein-Robert and Mauro Tulli. The winning dissertation is Sergio di Girolamo’s Il tutto, l’intero e l’uno: alcuni temi del [...]

Compte rendu du colloque international : “La vérité : Platon et les sophistes” (Aix-en-Provence, 9-11 octobre 2015)

L’Institut d’histoire de la philosophie (EA 3276) de l’université d’Aix-Marseille l’International Plato Society – Mediterranean Section, le Centre d’études sur la pensée antique «  kairos kai logos », ont organisé en collaboration avec le Département de philosophie de l’université d’Aix-Marseille, le Dipartimento di scienze del patrimonio culturale  (beni e attività culturali, filosofia, fonti e testi, territorio) dell’Università degli Studi di Salerno, le Dipartimento di filosofia dell’Università degli Studi di Roma-La Sapienza, le Dipartimento di filologia, letteratura e linguistica dell’Università di Pisa, avec le soutien du Conseil général du Département des Bouches-du-Rhône et de la Communauté du Pays d’Aix et avec le concours du Musée Granet d’Aix-en-Provence, un colloque international de philosophie ancienne sur le thème : « La vérité : Platon et les sophistes ». Le colloque s’est tenu les vendredi 9 et samedi 10 octobre à la Faculté des arts, lettres, langues et sciences humaines, Maison de la Recherche, Bâtiment Multimédia, Salle des colloques, et [...]

2016-11-02T22:57:14+00:00Categories: Regional reports, Reviews|

La vérité : Platon et les sophistes // Colloque international de la section méditerranéenne de la société platonicienne internationale

COLLOQUE INTERNATIONAL DE LA SECTION MÉDITERRANÉENNE DE LA SOCIÉTÉ PLATONICIENNE INTERNATIONALE CONGRESO INTERNACIONAL DE LA SECCIÓN MEDITERRANEA DE LA SOCIEDAD INTERNACIONAL DE PLATONISTAS CONVEGNO INTERNAZIONALE DELLA SEZIONE MEDITERRANEA DELL’ASSOCIAZIONE INTERNAZIONALE DEI PLATONISTI INTERNATIONAL MEETING OF THE MEDITERRANEAN SECTION OF THE INTERNATIONAL PLATO SOCIETY LA VÉRITÉ : PLATON ET LES SOPHISTES LA VERDAD : PLATÓN Y LOS SOFISTAS LA VERITÀ : PLATONE E I SOFISTI TRUTH : PLATO AND THE SOPHISTS AIX-EN-PROVENCE (France) 9-11 OCTOBRE 2015 Programme provisoire vendredi 9 octobre matin 09h30 : Accueil des participants 10h30: Allocution d’ouverture par le Monsieur le président de l’Université d’Aix-Marseille 11h15: Conférence : Tomás Calvo (Université Complutense de Madrid) Réfutation socratique et réfutation sophistique chez Platon après-midi 14h: Aldo BRANCACCI (Université de Rome), Significato, verità e metodo in Prodico 14h20: Silvia GASTALDI (Université de Pavie), Platone, i sofisti e una verità antropologica : il dibattito sul diritto del più forte 14h40: Discussion 15h: Piera DE PIANO (Université de Naples), La verità nelle parole di due condannati a [...]

2016-02-01T21:01:04+00:00Categories: Announcements, Events, Regional meetings|

CFP: XI Symposium Platonicum: Plato’s Phaedo

Extension of deadline for submission of abstracts - 12 September The International Plato Society welcomes submissions for the next XI Symposium Platonicum: Plato's Phaedo, to be held in Brasilia, 4-8 July 2016. Due technical issues we experienced with the website, the deadline for submission of abstracts for the XI Symposium Platonicum has been extended to 12 September 2015. For detailed information on how to submit an abstract, please see here. If you have any question, please feel free to send an email to

2020-05-25T10:27:39+00:00Categories: Previous Conferences|

An Obituary for Aleš Havlíček

οὐδὲ γὰρ οὐδὲ βίη ῾Ηρακλῆος φύγε κῆρα Homer, Ilias, Σ 217 Last week, on Wednesday, July 22nd, Aleš Havlíček, Professor of Philosophy, a former president of the Czech Plato Society and an active member of the International Plato Society, met an untimely death in Prague. On Saturday, July 11th, he suffered a cerebral haemorrhage which turned out to be fatal, despite the best medical assistance available and the prayers of his family and friends. Aleš Havlíček was born in 1956 in Třebíč, Czechoslovakia. After graduating from a high school specializing in nuclear physics, he studied from 1975 to 1980 at the Faculty of Nuclear Sciences and Physical Engineering of the Czech Technical University in Prague. At the same time, he engaged in the study of philosophy in circles of dissidents and human rights activists who had been expelled from the universities by the communist regime. As a consequence, he was [...]

2016-11-02T22:57:14+00:00Categories: Announcements|

Call for papers : III International Congress of Greek Philosophy (Iberian Society of Greek Philosophy – Lisbon)

The Sociedade Ibérica de Filosofia Grega (SIFG) brings forth the III International Congress of Greek Philosophy in the 20th, 21st and 22nd April 2016, in the Faculty of Letters of the University of Lisbon.   We welcome all proposals, which address any theme of the domain of ancient philosophy, namely dealing with one of the following topics: 1) Pre-Socratic thought; 2) Plato; 3) Aristotle; 4) Hellenistic philosophy; 5) Neo-Platonism; 6) projection, influence and reception of ancient philosophy. The meeting is organised in collaboration with the Department of Philosophy of the Faculty of Letters of the University of Lisbon, the Group of History of Philosophy of the Centre of Philosophy of the University of Lisbon (HPhil) and the Project of the Annotated Translation of the Complete Works of Aristotle (PTDC/MHC-FIL/3672/2012). Submission of proposals Whoever wishes to submit a proposal must send an abstract with the length and features stated below, until [...]

2020-05-25T10:27:45+00:00Categories: Announcements, Events, Previous Conferences|

Les Etudes Platoniciennes XI

Posted by O. RENAUT Le directeur et le comité éditorial des Etudes Platoniciennes sont heureux de vous informer de la parution du numéro 11 des Etudes Platoniciennes, désormais exclusivement en ligne, à l’adresse Le numéro 11 est composé d’un dossier : « Platon et la psyché », faisant suite au premier d’une série de trois volumes consacrés à « Platon et ses prédécesseurs ». Il comporte également trois articles dans la section Varia, ainsi que le Bulletin platonicien (composé de compte rendus sur des ouvrages récents sur Platon et la tradition platonicienne) et la Bibliographie platonicienne 2014 par Luc Brisson. À l’occasion de cette parution, le numéro 8 des Etudes Platoniciennes, « Les Formes platoniciennes dans l’Antiquité tardive » (P. d’Ointe et A. Michalewski (éds.) a été également mis en ligne. Les précédents numéros seront progressivement mis en ligne. — Dear colleagues, The director and the editorial committee of the Etudes Platoniciennes are glad to announce the publication of the Etudes Platoniciennes 11, available online [...]

2016-11-02T22:57:14+00:00Categories: Just published|

Call for papers. La vérité : Platon et les sophistes

Colloque international de la section méditerranéenne de la société platonicienne internationale Convegno internazionale della sezione mediterranea dell’associazione internazionale dei platonisti / Congreso internacional de la sección mediterranea de la sociedad internacional de platonistas / International meeting of the mediterranean section of the international plato society LA VÉRITÉ : PLATON ET LES SOPHISTES LA VERDAD : PLATÓN Y LOS SOFISTAS / LA VERITÀ : PLATONE E I SOFISTI / TRUTH : PLATO AND THE SOPHISTS   AIX-EN-PROVENCE (France) - 9-11 OCTOBRE 2015 La Section méditerranéenne de la Société platonicienne internationale est une section locale de l’International Plato Society fondée à Pisa en 2013 à l’occasion du Xe Symposium Platonicum. Elle regroupe des chercheurs du bassin méditerranéen dont les contributions confirment l’importance de l’apport de cette aire géographique aux études platoniciennes. Les Symposia de l’International Plato Society portant sur des dialogues de Platon, le principe retenu par la Section méditerranéenne de la Société platonicienne internationale est que ses Colloques porteront, eux, sur [...]

2020-05-25T10:27:51+00:00Categories: Announcements, Previous Conferences|
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