Dear abstract submitters and other friends of the regional IPS meeting in South Korea,
We would like to express our gratitude again for your submission of abstracts and general support of the 3rd Asia regional meeting of the IPS, especially in the middle of this worldwide pandemic.
Sadly, the worldwide pandemic situation is actually getting worse; the slope of the curve for the worldwide cases is steeper than ever.
It is true that the Korean situation is less bad compared to many other regions of the world. But the Korean government is holding very strict regulations for all travelers entering Korea regardless of their nationality. And, arguably, their action is justifiable since about 70% of new daily cases in Korea are nowadays confirmed at the airport or during the mandatory quarantine period after entering the country.
We sincerely hope that the pandemic situation gets better soon and that accordingly the regulations for entering Korea get loosened. But we cannot realistically expect that things will drastically change in a few months, given the slope of the curve.
Quite regretfully, we announce now that our conference will be online.
This was not an easy decision. For those of you who have submitted abstracts on the premise that you would be able to come to Korea and meet other lovers of Plato physically, we offer our sincere apologies. For those of you who agree to participate in our conference online, we thank you for your understanding.
Most of all, we hope that everyone is safe and healthy.
With best regards,
The organizing committee of the 3rd Asia regional IPS meeting.