Programme – XIV Symposium Platonicum

    PROGRAMME   INTERNATIONAL PLATO SOCIETY   XIV SYMPOSIUM PLATONICUM   Facultad de Filosofía Universidad Complutense de Madrid Ciudad Universitaria Campus de Moncloa Plaza Menéndez Pelayo sin número     Monday, May 5     8.00-9.00: Reception of the Participants (Central Hall, Ground floor)   9.00-10.00: Opening Ceremony (Paraninfo, Ground floor)   Welcome to the XIV Symposium: Dean of the Faculty of Philosophy:  Prof. Dr.  Juan José García Norro   Memorial to Honor our Dearest Members:   Thomas More Robinson (Livio Rossetti: online) Tomás Calvo Martínez (Álvaro Vallejo Campos) Thomas Szlezák (Francisco Lisi) Gianni Casertano (Lidia Palumbo) Maurizio Migliori (Elisabetta Cattanei)   10.00-11.00: Plenary Session (Paraninfo) Chair: Mary Margaret Mc Cabe De Vogel Lecturer: Prof. Christopher Rowe: ‘On (Mis-translating) Plato on Belief and Knowledge: the Theaetetus and Other Dialogues’   11.00-11.30: Coffee Break (Cafetería de Profesores, downstairs)   Parallel Session 1: Plato against Flux and Materialism (Paraninfo) Chair: Ivana Costa 11.30-12.10: Noburu [...]

Newsletter Feb. 2025

  INTERNATIONAL PLATO SOCIETY   XIV SYMPOSIUM PLATONICUM In person Sessions MADRID   Venue: FACULTAD DE FILOSOFÍA Y FILOLOGÍA EDIFICIO A UNIVERSIDAD COMPLUTENSE DE MADRID CAMPUS DE MONCLOA PLAZA MENÉNDEZ PELAYO SIN NÚMERO      Confirmed Plenary Speakers:   Christopher Rowe (Durham University) (De Vogel Lecturer online) Ronald Polansky (Duquesne University) (De Vogel Lecturer in person) Mary Margaret McCabe (King’s College, London) Franco Ferrari (Università di Pavia) Marcelo Boeri (Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile) Franco Trabattoni (Università di Milano) Mi-Kyoung (Mitzi) Lee (Colorado University at Boulder) Anne Balansard (Aix-Marseille Université)  Barbara Sattler (Ruhr-Universität Bochum) Harold Tarrant (University of Newcastle, Australia) Laura Marongiu (Università di Milano) We kindly encourage you to post your full paper in English by April 25(or at least your main hypotheses and arguments). Upload it to indicating your surname in the filename or send it to so that everyone can follow your presentation even if the language of your [...]

XIV Symposium Platonicum. Plato’s Theaetetus / Call for papers

  Call for papers XIV Symposium Platonicum Plato’s Theaetetus Madrid, May 5th-9th (in person)      May 19th-21st (online) 2025   The International Plato Society organizes a symposium on a single Platonic dialogue every three years. We are pleased to announce the Call for Papers for the XIV Symposium Platonicum: Plato’s Theaetetus. The Symposium will take place in two separate modalities: In Person: May 5–9, 2025, at the Facultad de Filosofía (Universidad Complutense de Madrid) and Online: May 19-21, 2025, from the Facultad de Humanidades (Universidad Carlos III, Madrid). Presentation length: As we want to encourage discussion, speakers will be given double time on this occasion. Papers should be suitable for 40-minute presentations (suggestion: 20 minutes of reading plus 20 minutes of discussion). Authors may be asked to expand their papers to be presented at one of the 1- hour plenary sessions. Abstracts We welcome abstracts from all IPS members, full and associate. If [...]

Registration is now open for Symposium Platonicum XIII: Plato’s Sophist, in Athens, GA, USA (Jul. 18-22, 2022)

Symposium Platonicum XIII Plato’s Sophist Athens, Georgia, USA July 18-22, 2022 Registration is now open. The International Plato Society organizes a symposium on a single Platonic dialogue every three years. We are pleased to announce the XIII Symposium Platonicum: Plato’s Sophist. The Symposium will take place July 18–22, 2022, at the University of Georgia in Athens, Georgia, USA. Submissions on any aspect of the dialogue, including its Presocratic sources and later reception, will be considered. Plato’s Sophist was, arguably, the most important Platonic dialogue for mid-20th century philosophy. Anglo-American analytic philosophers looked to it to come to understand Plato’s philosophy of language. Continental philosophers, inspired by Heidegger’s beginning Being and Time with a quotation from the Sophist, looked to the dialogue to wrestle with Plato’s notion of being. Not surprisingly, each group found a rich field from which to pursue their mostly non-overlapping interests. Both sides did agree on [...]

2023-01-17T10:33:54+00:00Categories: Registration, Symposium Platonicum|

Symposium Platonicum XII – Plato’s Parmenides – Call for papers

Call for papers - Symposium Platonicum XII Plato’s Parmenides Paris, July 15th-20th 2019   The International Plato Society organizes a symposium on a single Platonic dialogue every three years. We are pleased to announce the Call for Papers for the XII Symposium Platonicum: Plato’s Parmenides. The Symposium will take place July 15–20, 2019, in Paris. Although the dialogue has been the object of intense scholarly scrutiny, many issues remain to be explored. Submissions on any aspect of the dialogue, including its presocratic sources as well as later reception, will be considered. We also would like to encourage papers that address issues in the dialogue’s second half since it has received relatively less attention. We welcome abstracts from all IPS members, full and associate. If you are not yet a member of the International Plato Society, criteria for membership and information about joining are available at: Length Papers should be [...]

The VIII Symposium Platonicum

The VIII Symposium Platonicum, on the topic of Plato’s Philebus, was held in Dublin from July 23 – 28, 2007, under the auspices of the Dublin Centre for the Study of the Platonic Tradition, based in Trinity College, Dublin, but participated in also by colleagues from the Departments of Philosophy and Classics of University College Dublin, the National University of Ireland – Maynooth, and All Hallows College, Dublin. We are most grateful for the input of colleagues from all of these institutions, as well as for institutional support from the first two, specifically from the Trinity Association and Trust, the Mediterranean and Near Eastern Studies Programme, and Department of Philosophy in TCD, and the Office of the Dean of Research and the Department of Philosophy in UCD. The Organising Committee comprised : John Cleary (NUI-M) ; John Dillon (TCD) ; Brendan O’Byrne (TCD) ; Patrick Quinn (All Hallows) ; Fran O’Rourke (UCD) ; Vasilis Politis (TCD). [...]

2013-11-12T08:39:28+00:00Categories: Symposium Platonicum|Tags: |

The VII Symposium Platonicum

The VII Symposium Platonicum, on the Gorgias and the Meno, was held, as scheduled, in Würzburg, from 26 to 31 of July 2004, under the auspices of Bayerische Akademie der Wissenschaften, Akademie der Wissenschaften und der Literatur Mainz and Universität Würzburg. More than two hundred scholars participated from all continents and many listeners from the various Universities of Germany. The opening C. J. de Vogel lecture was given by Terry Penner, in the Fürstensaal of the Residence. The second lecture, on the next day, was given by Harold Tarrant, in memory of Matthias Baltes and in the presence of Mrs. Baltes as guest of the Symposium. Selection of the papers to be read at the Symposium posed a problem to the Executive Committee, faced with a wealth of good proposals. The papers presented gave rise to lively discussions within and without the lecture halls. The society was honoured by the [...]

2016-11-02T22:57:17+00:00Categories: Symposium Platonicum|Tags: , |
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