Conrado Eggers Lan Prize (4rd Ed.) for Best Dissertation on Plato: Call for Submissions

Conrado Eggers Lan was Professor of Ancient Philosophy at the Universities of Buenos Aires, Heidelberg and Autónoma de México (UNAM). He was the co-founder of the International Plato Society and the host of the First Symposium Platonicum held in Mexico City in 1986. In accordance with its mission to promote the study of Plato’s works throughout the world,  to enhance communication between scholars of diverse disciplines working on Plato, and to foster the publication of books and series on Plato, the International Plato Society is pleased to announce the 4nd edition of the Conrado Eggers Lan Prize for the best dissertation in  Platonic studies. Although we understand “Platonic Studies“ very broadly, we are particularly interested in dissertations that contribute to our understanding of Plato’s works. We invite submissions of dissertations that resulted in the award of the Ph.D. degree having been successfully defended between July 31, 2021, and July 31, 2024. The submissions [...]

Julia Pfefferkorn’s “Platons tanzende Stadt” (Conrado Eggers Lan Prize Winner) Just Published

Julia Pfefferkorn, the winner of the third Conrado Eggers Lan Prize for Best Dissertation (2018-21), now has the monograph version of her dissertation—titled, Platons tanzende Stadt. Moralpsychologie und Chortanz in den Nomoi—just published in Brill's Plato Studies series (vol. 11). See the book page for more info » Abstract [German/Deutsch]: Weshalb ist der Chortanz (χορεία) in Platons Nomoiso prominent? Zur Beantwortung dieser Frage bietet dieses Buch eine eingehende Analyse der Moralpsychologie des Dialogs und argumentiert, dass der Tanz nicht nur ein erzieherisches Instrument, sondern – als körperlicher Ausdruck geordneter Lust – auch ein Symbolbild für das Hauptziel der moralischen Erziehung ist: die Mäßigung (σωφροσύνη). So wird der Chortanz zu einem wirkmächtigen Konstrukt zur Veranschaulichung der philosophischen Hauptanliegen Platons. Zu den Schwerpunkten des Buches gehören darüber hinaus eine innovative Erklärung des komplexen Aufbaus des Dialogs, neue Deutungen des Marionettengleichnisses und der Ansprache an die Tragiker sowie die erste Untersuchung der moralischen Funktion [...]

Conrado Eggers Lan Prize (3rd Ed.) for Best Dissertation on Plato: Call for Submissions

Conrado Eggers Lan was Ancient Philosophy Professor at the Universities of Buenos Aires, Heidelberg and Autónoma de México (UNAM). Co-founder of the International Plato Society and host of the First Symposium Platonicum held in Mexico City in 1986. In accordance with its mission to promote Platonic studies throughout the world as well as communication between scholars of diverse disciplines working on Plato and the publication of books and series on Plato, the International Plato Society is glad to announce the 3nd edition of the Conrado Eggers Lan Prize for outstanding dissertations in the field of Platonic studies. We invite submissions of dissertations that resulted in the award of the Ph.D. degree between July 31, 2018, and July 31, 2021. The submissions will be judged by a special committee appointed by the IPS Editorial Board. The prize-winning dissertation will be offered the opportunity of publication as a book in one of the leading IPS [...]

Results for the 2nd Ed. Conrado Eggers Lan Prize

Every three years the International Plato Society awards a prize for the best dissertation on Plato. The prize is in honor of Conrado Eggers Lan (pictured left), Professor of Ancient Philosophy at Universities of Buenos Aires, Heidelberg, and Autónoma de México (UNAM), host of the First Symposium Platonicum (Mexico City, 1986), and one of the founders of our society. The Editorial Committee of the IPS has now evaluated the dissertations on Plato written between 2016 and 2019 that were submitted for the award and come to a decision. We are pleased to announce that the winner of the prize is: Evan Glenn Rodriguez, Exploring Both Sides: Plato's New Method for First Principles, a PhD dissertation completed in 2016 at Yale University and supervised by Verity Harte. The Editorial Committee would also like to recognize the excellence of two other dissertations written by: Carmen Di Lorenzo (second) and Lorenzo Giovanetti (third). [...]

Conrado Eggers Lan Prize – 2nd edition

International Plato Society Best Dissertation on Plato “Conrado Eggers Lan” Prize Call for submissions Conrado Eggers Lan was Ancient Philosophy Professor at the Universities of Buenos Aires, Heidelberg and Autónoma de México (UNAM). Co-founder of the International Plato Society and host of the First Symposium Platonicum held in Mexico City in 1986. In accordance with its mission to promote Platonic studies throughout the world as well as communication between scholars of diverse disciplines working on Plato and the publication of books and series on Plato, the International Plato Society is glad to announce the 2nd edition of the Conrado Eggers Lan Prize for outstanding dissertations in the field of Platonic studies. We invite submissions of dissertations that resulted in the award of the Ph.D. degree between January 1, 2014, and July 31, 2018. The submissions will be judged by a special committee appointed by the IPS Editorial [...]

Results of Plato “Conrado Eggers Lan” Prize

International Plato Society Best Dissertation on Plato “Conrado Eggers Lan” Prize Results Conrado Eggers Lan was Ancient Philosophy Professor at the Universities of Buenos Aires, Heidelberg and Autónoma de México (UNAM). Co-founder of the International Plato Society and host of the First Symposium Platonicum held in Mexico City in 1986. Dissertations Prize Results We are delighted to announce, on behalf of Professor Franco Ferrari, head of the IPS Editorial Committee, that we have a winner for the Conrado Eggers Lan Prize for outstanding dissertations in the field of Platonic studies. Evaluation has been carried out by an ad hoc Committee, chosen by the Editorial Committee and coordinated by Franco Ferrari: Mario Vegetti, Luc Brisson, Francesco Fronterotta, Lesley Brown, Alonso Tordesillas, Francisco Gonzalez, Francisco Lisi, Marcelo Boeri, Irmgard Männlein-Robert and Mauro Tulli. The winning dissertation is Sergio di Girolamo’s Il tutto, l’intero e l’uno: alcuni temi del [...]


International Plato Society Best Dissertation on Plato “Conrado Eggers Lan” Prize Call for submissions Conrado Eggers Lan was Ancient Philosophy Professor at the Universities of Buenos Aires, Heidelberg and Autónoma de México (UNAM). Co-founder of the International Plato Society and host of the First Symposium Platonicum held in Mexico City in 1986. In accordance with its mission to promote Platonic studies throughout the world as well as communication between scholars of diverse disciplines working on Plato and the publication of books and series on Plato, the International Plato Society is glad to announce the institution of the Conrado Eggers Lan Prize for outstanding dissertations in the field of Platonic studies. We invite submissions for the best dissertation that resulted in a Ph.D. degree being awarded between January 1st, 2011 and December 31st, 2013. The submissions will be judged by a special Committee appointed by the IPS Editorial Board. The prize-winning [...]

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