New Publication: The Platonizing Sethian Background of Plotinus’s Mysticism

The Platonizing Sethian Background of Plotinus’s Mysticism By Zeke Mazur 2020. xviii, 337 pp. 129.00 EUR. Hardcover/E-Book. ISBN: 978-90-04-44167-5 [hardcover]/978-90-04-44171-2 [e-book]. In The Platonizing Sethian Background of Plotinus’s Mysticism, Zeke Mazur offers a radical reconceptualization of Plotinus with reference to Gnostic thought and praxis. A crucial element in the thought of the third-century CE philosopher Plotinus—his conception of mystical union with the One—cannot be understood solely within the conventional history of philosophy, or as the product of a unique, sui generis psychological propensity. This monograph demonstrates that Plotinus tacitly patterned his mystical ascent to the One on a type of visionary ascent ritual that is first attested in Gnostic sources. These sources include the Platonizing Sethian tractates Zostrianos (NHC VIII,1) and Allogenes (NHC XI,3) of which we have Coptic translations from Nag Hammadi and whose Greek Vorlagen were known to have been read in Plotinus’s school.

2020-11-04T14:08:52+00:00Categories: Just published, Other Announcements|

New Publication: The Concept of Motion in Ancient Greek Thought

The Concept of Motion in Ancient Greek Thought: Foundations in Logic, Method, and Mathematics By Barbara Sattler 2020. 438 pp. 90.00 GBP. Hardcover/E-Book. ISBN: 9781108477901 [hardcover]. This book examines the birth of the scientific understanding of motion. It investigates which logical tools and methodological principles had to be in place to give a consistent account of motion, and which mathematical notions were introduced to gain control over conceptual problems of motion. It shows how the idea of motion raised two fundamental problems in the 5th and 4th century BCE: bringing together being and non-being, and bringing together time and space. The first problem leads to the exclusion of motion from the realm of rational investigation in Parmenides, the second to Zeno's paradoxes of motion. Methodological and logical developments reacting to these puzzles are shown to be present implicitly in the atomists, and explicitly in Plato who also employs mathematical structures [...]

2020-10-26T12:54:27+00:00Categories: Just published, Other Announcements|

New Publication: Studia Phaenomenologica (vol. 20/2020), Phenomenology and the History of Platonism

Studia Phaenomenologica, Volume 20/ 2020: Phenomenology and the History of Platonism Edited by Daniele de Santis, Claudio Majolino 2020. 402 pp. 18.00 EUR (Ebook). ISBN: 978-606-697-121-8 (Ebook). Table of Contents: Daniele de Santis, Claudio Majolino: Phaenomenologia sub specie Platonis. Editors’ Introduction Adolf Reinach: La philosophie de Platon (traduction et introduction par Aurélien Djian) Abstract: In these 1910 summer semester lessons, Adolf Reinach, using the concept of arché as a guiding thread, sketches out a history of Platonic philosophy, tracing it back to the Presocratics. More precisely, as a philosophical attempt to offer such an history, Reinach intends to flesh out what he thinks is the main contribution of Plato to philosophy, and which, at the same time, turns out to be the germ of his own philosophy, namely: to consider ideal objects as the arché of philosophy; to use the phenomenological method; and, last but not least, to devote his research to the study of the things themselves, rather than [...]

2020-10-16T14:52:57+00:00Categories: Just published, Other Announcements|

2020 Volume of Plato Journal (20)

The International Plato Society's journal, Plato Journal, has released its 20th volume for 2020, available now at Articles: pp. 7–20: "Dialéctica y refutación en el Sofista de Platón" (Pilar Spangenberg) pp. 21–37: "The Golden Age and the Reversal of the Myth of Good Government in Plato’s Statesman. A Lesson on the Use of Models" (Fulvia de Luise) pp. 39–53: "Habladurías sobre tiranos felices. Platón y Jenofonte a propósito de filosofía, tiranía y buen gobierno" (Claudia Marsico) pp. 55–66: "Elenchtike techne, erotike techne: in margine al Carmide platonico" (Francesca Pentassuglio) pp. 67–80: "La crítica de Platón a los matemáticos que toman las hipótesis por principios (República VI-VII)" (Graciela Marcos Pinotti) pp. 81–95: "Socrate o dello specchio. Strategie di scrittura nell’Apologia e nell’Alcibiade" (Lidia Palumbo) pp. 97–110: "Il proemio alle leggi (in Platone, Leggi V 726-734)" (Livio Rossetti) pp. 111–125: "Regular el mundo de la fiesta: un proyecto normativo en Leyes" (Alberto [...]

2020-10-15T15:57:53+00:00Categories: Just published, Other Announcements|

New Publication: Articulations of Nature and Politics in Plato and Hegel

Articulations of Nature and Politics in Plato and Hegel By Vicky Roupa 2020. 190 pp. 79.99 GBP (Hardbound), 63.99 GBP (Ebook). ISBN: 978-3-030-52126-4 (Hardbound), 978-3-030-52127-1 (Ebook). Description: This book examines nature as a foundational concept for political and constitutional theory, drawing on readings from Plato and Hegel to counter the view that optimal political arrangements are determined by nature. Focussing on the dialectical implications of the word ‘nature’, i.e. how it encompasses a range of meanings stretching up to the opposites of sensuousness and ideality, the book explores the various junctures at which nature and politics interlock in the philosophies of Plato and Hegel. Appearance and essence, inner life and public realm, the psychical and the political are all shown to be parts of a conflictual structure that requires both infinite proximity and irreducible distance. The book offers innovative interpretations of a number of key texts by Plato and Hegel [...]

2020-09-25T14:59:45+00:00Categories: Just published, Other Announcements|

New Publication: Conceptions of Publicness in Plato’s Philosophy

Conceptions of Publicness in Plato's Philosophy Ἐκφάνσεις τῆς δημοσιότητας στὴν φιλοσοφία τοῦ Πλάτωνα By Maria Sozopoulou 2020. 288 pp. 14.84 Euro. ISBN: 978-960-02-3640-8. Long description [English]: Download PDF Description [Greek]: Ὁ ὅρος «δημοσιότητα» μπορεῖ νὰ μὴν ἀπαντᾶ στὴν ἀρχαία ἑλληνικὴ γραμματεία (ἐντοπίζονται μόνο ὁμόρριζες καὶ συνώνυμες μὲ αὐτὸν λέξεις), ὅμως τὸ περιεχόμενό του ἔχει ἑλληνικὴ προέλευση. Σύμφωνα μὲ τὸν J. Habermas δύναται νὰ γίνει λόγος γιὰ ἕνα ἑλληνικὸ μοντέλο δημοσιότητας, τὸ ὁποῖο συναρτᾶται μὲ τὸν δημόσιο βίο τῶν ἀρχαίων Ἑλλήνων στὸν χῶρο τῆς ἀγορᾶς. Στὴν παρούσα ἐργασία γίνεται ἐξέταση τῶν ἐκφάνσεων τῆς δημοσιότητας στὴν φιλοσοφία τοῦ Πλάτωνα, μὲ στόχο νὰ ἀποδειχθεῖ ἂν τὸ πνεῦμα τῆς δημοσιότητας εἶναι ἔκδηλο τόσο στὴν πολιτικὴ φιλοσοφία ὅσο καὶ τὴν ὀντολογία καὶ τὴν γνωσιοθεωρία. Στὸ πρῶτο μέρος, τὸ ἐνδιαφέρον ἐπικεντρώνεται στὴν πολιτικὴ φιλοσοφία, ὅπου ἐξετάζεται ἡ θεωρία τοῦ Πλάτωνα γιὰ τὸ πολίτευμα, τὸν δημόσιο ἄνδρα καὶ τὴν δημόσια σφαίρα. Τὸ δεύτερο μέρος ἀφορᾶ τὴν πλατωνικὴ [...]

2020-09-22T08:06:54+00:00Categories: Just published, Other Announcements|

New Publication: Plato’s Conception of Justice and the Question of Human Dignity

Plato’s Conception of Justice and the Question of Human Dignity By Marek Piechowiak 2019. 296 pp. 57.10 Euro/72.75 USD. Hardcover/E-Book/PDF. ISBN: 978-3-631-65970-0 [hardcover]. (Philosophy and Cultural Studies Revisited / Historisch-genetische Studien zur Philosophie und Kulturgeschichte) This book is the first comprehensive study of Plato’s conception of justice. The universality of human rights and the universality of human dignity, which is recognised as their source, are among the crucial philosophical problems in modern-day legal orders and in contemporary culture in general. If dignity is genuinely universal, then human beings also possessed it in ancient times. Plato not only perceived human dignity, but a recognition of dignity is also visible in his conception of justice, which forms the core of his philosophy. Plato’s «Republic» is consistently interpreted here as a treatise on justice, relating to an individual and not to the state. The famous myth of the cave is a story about [...]

2020-07-28T09:55:16+00:00Categories: Just published, Other Announcements|

Just Published: Les philosophes face au vice, de Socrate à Augustin

Les philosophes face au vice, de Socrate à Augustin Edited by/édité par Christelle Veillard, Olivier Renaut & Dimitri El Murr. July 2020. 314 pp. 143,00 Euro. Hardcover/PDF. ISBN: 978-90-04-43238-3 [hardcover]. (Philosophia Antiqua 154) [English] Virtue is undoubtedly one of the core issues for the ethical and political theories of ancient philosophers and is therefore well-worn territory for scholars of ancient philosophy. Les philosophes face au vice, de Socrate à Augustin breaks new ground by considering how the main ancient philosophers (Socrates, Plato, Aristotle, Plotinus, Augustine) and philosophical schools (Epicureans, Stoics) considered vice, the opposite of virtue, how they described the many vices, delineated their various kinds, accounted for their causes and effects, and reflected on how to cure them, and, even, use them on the path toward virtue. The book gathers 15 original contributions in English, French and Italian by leading scholars in the field of ancient philosophy and classics. [Français] [...]

2020-07-24T10:58:25+00:00Categories: Just published, Other Announcements|

Just Published: Platonische Aufsätze

Platonische Aufsätze By Rafael Ferber 2020. 400 pp. 89,95 Euro. Hardcover/PDF/E-Book. ISBN: 978-3-11-063334-4 [hardcover]. (Beiträge zur Altertumskunde 386) [English] The volume contains a selection of essays on Plato from his Socratic beginnings to his aftermath in the works of Donald Davidson and Hans-Georg Gadamer. Particular attention is paid to the Idea of the Good and the question of its transcendence and immanence. [Deutsch] Der Band enthält von Rafael Ferber eine Auswahl von Aufsätzen zu Platon von seinen sokratischen Anfängen bis zu seiner Nachwirkung bei Donald Davidson und Hans Georg Gadamer. Ein besonderes Augenmerk liegt auf der Problematik der Idee des Guten und der Frage ihrer Transzendenz und Immanenz.

2020-08-01T09:38:35+00:00Categories: Just published, Other Announcements|

Just Published: Platon und die Physis

Platon und die Physis Edited by/Herausgegeben von Dietmar Koch, Irmgard Männlein-Robert & Niels Weidtmann 2020. 289 pp. 69,00 Euro. Hardcover/E-Book. ISBN: 978-3-16-157739-0. (Tübinger Platon-Tage 1) [English] This is a selection of articles presented at the international »Tübinger Platon-Tage« (Symposium on Plato) which took place in 2016. These papers, which vary thematically and methodologically, study Plato's semantically and philosophically broad concept of physis, focusing on biology, medicine, anthropology and cosmology as well as ontological, epistemological, educational and theological issues. Thus this volume documents the highlights of current and international Plato research, a timeless and fascinating subject. [Deutsch] Der vorliegende Band umfasst Beiträge zu einem zentralen Thema bei Platon: 'Physis' kann bei Platon im naturwissenschaftlichen Sinne als physische, biologische, materielle Natur oder im übertragenen Sinne als eigenes Wesen, etwa hinsichtlich Seele, Kosmos oder Göttlichem, verstanden werden. So werden in diesem Band medizinische, biologische und kosmologische Ansätze ebenso wie ontologische, epistemologische und pädagogische Themen [...]

2020-07-24T08:55:26+00:00Categories: Just published, Other Announcements|
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