An Obituary for Samuel Scolnicov

τῶν κρειττόνων τινὸς ἔκλειψις γέγονεν, (Plutarch, Moralia 419f)   Samuel (Shmuel) Scolnicov, Professor of Philosophy (Emeritus) and a former President of the International Plato Society, died on August 13, 2014 at his home in Israel, owing to complications related to diabetes.  Samuel was born on March 11, 1941 in Porto Alegre, Brazil, immigrating to Israel in 1958.  After a year spent studying chemistry, Samuel earned a B.A. in philosophy and Hebrew language and literature from Hebrew University in 1964 and an M.A. in philosophy in 1967, with a thesis on the epistemological significance of Plato’s theory of ideal numbers, written under the direction of Shlomo Pines.  In 1967, Samuel was also awarded a B.A. in high school teaching.  In 1974, he received a PhD from Cambridge University under the direction of Bernard Williams, with a dissertation on Plato’s method of hypothesis in the middle dialogues. In 1974, Samuel was appointed [...]

2016-11-02T22:57:15+00:00Categories: Announcements|Tags: |

II Simposio Nacional de Filosofía Antigua (Asociación Argentina de Filosofía Antigua)

«Conocimiento, ética y estética en la Filosofía Antigua» Rosario, 14 y 15 de Mayo de 2015 Facultad de Humanidades y Artes Universidad Nacional de Rosario II Simposio Nacional de Filosofía Antigua. Rosario 2015 Primera Circular Las Jornadas estarán conformadas por: Conferencias Ponencias individuales Mesas Redondas Presentación de libros Inscripción y envío de abstracts El plazo de inscripción y envío de abstracts vence el 15 de Marzo de 2015. No se aceptarán trabajos sin relación temática con el eje de las Jornadas: «Conocimiento, ética y estética en la Filosofía Antigua». Los estudiantes expositores deberán contar con el aval de un docente. Cada expositor contará con un tiempo de exposición de 20 minutos y de 10 minutos para preguntas y discusiones. Las inscripciones de asistentes, expositores e integrantes de mesas redondas se realizarán a través del formulario alojado en la siguiente dirección: Al momento de realizar la inscripción online se requerirá [...]

2020-05-25T10:28:02+00:00Categories: Announcements, Events, Previous Conferences|

Asociación Argentina de Filosofía Antigua

Estimados colegas y miembros de la Comunidad Académica: Nos complace comunicarles la creación de la Asociación Argentina de Filosofía Antigua (AAFA) con el fin de promover el intercambio entre especialistas del área residentes en Argentina así como la vinculación con investigadores de otras instituciones extranjeras. Para conocer más sobre los objetivos de la Asociación los invitamos a visitar el sitio o contactarnos al correo María Angélica Fierro (Presidenta AAFA) We are pleased to announce the creation of the Argentinian Association of Ancient Philosophy (AAFA), the goal of which will not only be to enable exchange between researchers in Ancient Philosophy within our country, but also to promote the contact with scholars and institutions from abroad. If you are interested in learning about the goals of our Association, please visit our website or contact us at Maria Angelica Fierro (AAFA President)

2016-11-02T22:57:15+00:00Categories: Announcements|

Call for papers : A New Perspective on Plato and his Philosophical Methods

Posted by Naoya Iwata A New Perspective on Plato and  his Philosophical Methods An International Conference for Young Researchers Kyoto University, JAPAN 20–21st March, 2015 Keynote Speakers: Sylvain Delcomminette (Université Libre de Bruxelles) Yasuhira (Yahei) Kanayama (Nagoya University) It is generally supposed that Plato’s philosophical methodology changed over the course of his carrier. In the early dialogues we see Socrates’ cross-examination, called elenchus, in search of definitions. The middle dialogues introduce Plato’s more constructive approaches in relation to the theory of Forms, such as the theory of recollection, the method of hypothesis, and ‘dialectic’. His methodological concern seems to be dominated in the later works by ‘collection and division’. In addition, we should not forget the role of myths in his philosophy. This conference aims to investigate how Plato’s distinctive philosophical methods are related or unrelated to each other, with a close analysis of the characteristics of individual approaches. Can we really [...]

2020-05-25T10:28:08+00:00Categories: Announcements, Events, Previous Conferences|

Call for papers : West Coast Plato Workshop on Laws X

West Coast Plato Workshop on Laws X Call For Papers: The West Coast Workshop, on Platos Laws X, will meet in Tucson at the University of Arizona May 2-3, 2015. Julia Annas and Tony Long will be our keynote speakers. We invite scholars to submit abstracts of papers they would like to present by December 15, 2014.  Abstracts (which will be blind-reviewed) should be submitted to Rachana Kamtekar (kamtekar [at] or George Rudebusch (George.Rudebusch [at]  Each paper will have a commentator, so finished papers will need to be sent to commentators by March 15. There is no registration fee, and the conference is open to all, but please let us know by March 15 if you plan to attend, so we can make local arrangements. Please contact us with any questions: Rachana Kamtekar or George Rudebusch.

2020-05-25T10:28:14+00:00Categories: Announcements, Previous Conferences|

Roberto Luca : Platone e la sapienza antica

Roberto Luca, Platone e la sapienza antica, Matematica, filosofia, armonia, Marsilio Editori, Venezia, pp. 160, 1° ed.2014 , ISBN: 978-88-317-1855-4  Il saggio delinea un Platone erede di un'antica "sapienza mediterranea", la cui origine risale alla cultura sacerdotale egizia. Chiave di volta è l'Epinomide  che racchiude l'essenza del pensiero platonico, articolata intorno a tre aspetti: matematica, filosofia e armonia. È attraverso gli studi in queste discipline che il filosofo si avvicina al pensiero divino, nella conclusione che l'unico metro "vero" è appunto quello del dio. Momento cruciale, nell'interpretazione del testo, è il "passo matematico" epinomideo, la cui interpretazione, agevolata da Aristotele, implica la conoscenza e il coordinamento degli spunti presenti in tutta l'opera platonica. The essay talks about Plato as a heir and witness of an antique “mediterranean knowledge”, that finds in the priestly egyptian culture its origin and its fulcrum. The keystone is the Epinomis, the one who face and express the essence of [...]

2016-11-02T22:57:15+00:00Categories: Just published|


International Plato Society Best Dissertation on Plato “Conrado Eggers Lan” Prize Call for submissions Conrado Eggers Lan was Ancient Philosophy Professor at the Universities of Buenos Aires, Heidelberg and Autónoma de México (UNAM). Co-founder of the International Plato Society and host of the First Symposium Platonicum held in Mexico City in 1986. In accordance with its mission to promote Platonic studies throughout the world as well as communication between scholars of diverse disciplines working on Plato and the publication of books and series on Plato, the International Plato Society is glad to announce the institution of the Conrado Eggers Lan Prize for outstanding dissertations in the field of Platonic studies. We invite submissions for the best dissertation that resulted in a Ph.D. degree being awarded between January 1st, 2011 and December 31st, 2013. The submissions will be judged by a special Committee appointed by the IPS Editorial Board. The prize-winning [...]

Etudes Platoniciennes X

Nous avons le plaisir de vous annoncer la parution du numéro X des Etudes Platoniciennes sur la plateforme d'OpenEdition avec la participation du Cleo à l'adresse suivante : Le numéro X des Etudes Platoniciennes est le premier numéro d'une série consacrée au thème "Platon et ses prédécesseurs"  qui fut l'objet des recherches présentées au Séminaire d'Études Platoniciennes de 2009 à 2012. Ce numéro a pour thème la τέχνη : quel rôle la τέχνη, représentée ici par la médecine et la musique, joue-t-elle dans l’Antiquité sur la pensée philosophique, en particulier celle de Platon ? Comment les discours et les savoirs techniques et artisanaux se trouvent-ils intégrés, déplacés, transposés dans le dispositif platonicien de telle sorte qu'ils y restent actifs, voire qu'ils y puisent une énergie nouvelle et se voient ainsi susceptibles, à travers le texte platonicien, de produire des effets renouvelés sur la postérité ? A l'horizon de cette enquête se trouve une [...]

2016-11-02T22:57:15+00:00Categories: Just published|

O. RENAUT, Platon, La Médiation des émotions

O. RENAUT, Platon : La Médiation des émotions: L'éducation du thymos dans les dialogues, Paris, J. Vrin, « Histoire des doctrines de l’antiquité classique », 2014. 376 p. ISBN : 978-2-7116-2530-7 WorldCat •BookFinder  Les émotions constituent un défi dans l’éducation platonicienne. Elles sont des réactions aux valeurs du bien, du beau, du juste, et elles les véhiculent dans l’action. Que les affects et les émotions n’entravent pas la moralité de l’agent est une première étape dans l’éducation; mais qu’ils la soutiennent en est une seconde, et telle est la tâche du philosophe, du législateur et du pédagogue. La présente étude répond à la question de savoir ce qui dans l’âme individuelle et collective doit être éduqué et par quels moyens. Platon établit une psychologie morale et politique en prenant soin de cerner un intermédiaire, le thymos, entre les différents pôles de la vie psychique que sont la raison et le désir. Dans les dialogues, Platon fait du [...]

2016-11-02T22:57:15+00:00Categories: Just published|

Call for abstracts : Platonic Moral Realism

MIDTERM MEETING OF THE INTERNATIONAL PLATO SOCIETY EMORY UNIVERSITY ATLANTA, GEORGIA, USA MARCH 13-15, 2015 PLATONIC MORAL REALISM The committee invites papers on Plato’s and the Platonic tradition’s positions on the philosophical thesis that values—such as goodness or justice—are objective. The metaphysical thesis that such “Forms” as the Good or the Just enjoy an existence independent of human opinions or social arrangements is generally taken to entail the objectivity of certain human values. Possible paper topics include the metaphysical grounding for these values or for the virtues, method(s) of discovering and explicating the nature of moral values and virtues, and the means of coming to possess or partake in them. Further, was Plato able to answer the Sophists’ arguments for moral relativism? Does he have conceptual resources to answer the arguments of contemporary relativists? We construe the subject broadly and will consider papers on any Platonic dialogue or any work [...]

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