IPS Newsletter Tokyo February 2010

International Plato Society, Newsletter, Issue 4 (2010-2) Tokyo, February 2010 Dear Colleagues, We are happy to tell you that the preparation for the IX Symposium Platonicum (to be held in Tokyo on 2-7 August) is going well.  This newsletter offers information about the program and registration of the Tokyo Symposium.  We are aware that some IPS members will unfortunately be unable to make a long trip to Tokyo this summer, but we will try our best to share our academic results with all the members and thereby to advance Platonic studies.  We are looking forward to discussing the “Politeia” with many participants in our triennial meeting in Tokyo. Tokyo Organizing Committee c/o Noburu Notomi, Faculty of Letters, Keio University 4-1-1, Hiyoshi, Kohoku-ku, Yokohama, 223-8521, Japan E-mail:  notomi@z8.keio.jp  ips 2010@phil.flet.keio.ac.jp Fax:  +81-45-566-1102 (1) Program of the Symposium The submission of abstracts was closed in October 2009, and the Executive Committee read [...]

2016-11-02T22:57:16+00:00Categories: IPS Newsletter|

IPS Newsletter Pisa November 2010

International Plato Society, Newsletter 2010-2013, Issue 1 Pisa, November, 2010 Dear Colleagues, It is an honour for me to warmly thank Shinro Kato and Noburu Notomi for their hospitality during the 9th Symposium in the week from the 2nd to the 7th of August in Tokyo at the Keio University: I would like to acknowlege them in this first Newsletter. We all enjoyed the perfect organization, the availability of the team to sustain our work every day with passion and competence. The week was really wonderful for the possibility we had to read the Republic of Plato, to share opinions and ideas, and to admire an important city with an extraordinary culture. Tokyo General Assembly On Wednesday, the 4th of August 2010, the General Assembly was held and on the agenda among the many items was the choosing of the President for the triennium 2013-2016, of the new representative for [...]

2016-11-02T22:57:16+00:00Categories: IPS Newsletter|

IPS Newsletter Tokyo April 2009

International Plato Society, Newsletter, Issue 3 (2009.4) Tokyo, April 2009 Dear Colleagues, On 12–14 March, the IPS Regional Meeting “Platon Aujourd’hui” was held in Paris, followed by the mid-term meeting of the Executive Committee. We thank the organizers of the Paris colloquium for their hospitality. The members of the Executive Committee discussed various issues concerning the IPS activities, above all the preparation for the IX Symposium Platonicum in Tokyo next year. This newsletter, sent both via e-mail and by surface mail, offers important information about the program and “call for papers” of the Tokyo Symposium, so please read it carefully. We hope to be able to host many participants in Tokyo to discuss the Republic together. Tokyo Organizing Committee Address: The IPS Tokyo Office, c/o Noburu Notomi, Faculty of Letters, Keio University, 4-1-1, Hiyoshi, Kohoku-ku, Yokohama, 223-8521, Japan E-mail: <notomi@z8.keio.jp> Fax: +81-(0)45-566-1102 1. Membership fees The methods of paying the [...]

2016-11-02T22:57:16+00:00Categories: IPS Newsletter|

IPS Newsletter Tokyo July 2008

International Plato Society, Newsletter, Issue 2 (2007-10) Tokyo, July, 2008 Dear Colleagues, We are pleased to issue the second Newsletter of the IPS (2007-2010). The IPS Tokyo Organizing Committee (contact: notomi@z8.keio.jp) 1. IPS Regional Meetings The IPS is currently organizing three regional meetings. Further meetings, including “Socratica 2008” (Napoli, 11-13 December, 2008) and “Platon Aujourd’hui” (Paris, 12-14 March, 2009), will be announced in the next issue. Here are the announcements from the organizers of the three current meetings: (1) The World Congress of Philosophy in Seoul 5 August, 2008, 14:00-17:00; Seoul National University, Korea The KPA (Korean Philosophical Association) Invited Session “Plato and Greek Philosophy in the Contemporary World” Organizers: Shinro Kato and Noburu Notomi (notomi@z8.keio.jp) Although many years have passed since Plato wrote his masterpiece, the Republic, we moderns are still in some sense living in the Cave his book took as its central metaphor. For when Plato’s Socrates [...]

2016-11-02T22:57:16+00:00Categories: IPS Newsletter|

IPS Newsletter Tokyo December 2007

International Plato Society, Newsletter, Issue 1 (2007-10) Tokyo, December, 2007 Dear Colleagues, It was a great pleasure to meet many IPS members and to discuss Plato again in Dublin this summer. We thank the former President, John Dillon, and his team for organizing such a wonderful symposium. We look forward to seeing you again at least in Tokyo in 2010. At the Dublin symposium, the new Executive Committee started to work, and are now dealing with various issues through electronic communication. We have also set up the IPS Tokyo office with the Tokyo Organizing Committee. We hope all the IPS members will participate in the activities we shall be planning, and warmly invite other scholars to join the Society. Below we offer basic information about our Society. Shinro Kato, President of the IPS Noburu Notomi, Co-President of the IPS 1. Executive committee (1) The new Executive Committee At the General [...]

2016-11-02T22:57:17+00:00Categories: IPS Newsletter|

IPS Newsletter Dublin March 2007

NewsLetter Dublin 2007 My apologies, first of all, for not having been in touch with you now for some time, but I felt that there was little justification for burdening the membership with literature if there was nothing particular that needed saying, and hitherto there has really not been much. There are various informational services that the Society can provide, but they are best posted on the website, which I commend to your attention once again. One feature of the website, I regret to say, has not yet achieved its purpose, and that is the Members’ Forum. This is partly because it has been ‘colonized’ by a remarkable number of alien bodies of the ‘spam’ variety, and the expertise to purge them from it, and to bar future ones, has regrettably not yet been applied. I have hopes, however, that this will be rectified soon. At that stage, I would [...]

2016-11-02T22:57:17+00:00Categories: IPS Newsletter|

IPS Newsletter Dublin February 2006

International Plato Society·Société Platonicienne Internationale · Associazione Internazionale dei Platonisti · Sociedad Internacional de Platonistas · Internationale Platon-Gesellschaft (supported by the C.J. De Vogel Foundation) Dublin 15.02.06 Dear Colleagues, I send this message in the aftermath of the ‘mid-term’ meeting of the Executive Committee of the Society, held in the pleasant surroundings of Como, in conjunction with a most stimulating colloquium on the theme ‘Anima e Interiorità: Psychè in Platone,’ organised by our colleague Maurizio Migliori, and supported by the International Plato Society. The most practical purpose of this meeting is, of course, to agree upon the format of the up-coming triennial meeting of the Society in Dublin in July 2007 (July 23 – 28) – though the details are the responsibility of the local committee – and to fix on deadlines and other conditions for the submission of abstracts of proposed papers. Of this there will also be a [...]

2016-11-02T22:57:17+00:00Categories: IPS Newsletter|
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