Julia Pfefferkorn’s “Platons tanzende Stadt” (Conrado Eggers Lan Prize Winner) Just Published

Julia Pfefferkorn, the winner of the third Conrado Eggers Lan Prize for Best Dissertation (2018-21), now has the monograph version of her dissertation—titled, Platons tanzende Stadt. Moralpsychologie und Chortanz in den Nomoi—just published in Brill's Plato Studies series (vol. 11). See the book page for more info » Abstract [German/Deutsch]: Weshalb ist der Chortanz (χορεία) in Platons Nomoiso prominent? Zur Beantwortung dieser Frage bietet dieses Buch eine eingehende Analyse der Moralpsychologie des Dialogs und argumentiert, dass der Tanz nicht nur ein erzieherisches Instrument, sondern – als körperlicher Ausdruck geordneter Lust – auch ein Symbolbild für das Hauptziel der moralischen Erziehung ist: die Mäßigung (σωφροσύνη). So wird der Chortanz zu einem wirkmächtigen Konstrukt zur Veranschaulichung der philosophischen Hauptanliegen Platons. Zu den Schwerpunkten des Buches gehören darüber hinaus eine innovative Erklärung des komplexen Aufbaus des Dialogs, neue Deutungen des Marionettengleichnisses und der Ansprache an die Tragiker sowie die erste Untersuchung der moralischen Funktion [...]

Results of the 3rd Conrado Eggers Lan Prize

The Editorial Committee of the International Plato Society has chosen the winner of the 3rd Edition of Conrado Eggers Lan Prize. The edition was a very successful one. The IPS received 20 submissions of dissertations that had resulted in the award of the Ph.D. degree between July 31, 2018, and July 31, 2021. Congratulations to Julia Pfefferkorn! We are pleased to announce that the winner of the prize is: Julia Pfefferkorn: Platons tanzende Stadt: Moralpsychologie und Chortanz in den Nomoi, a PhD Dissertation completed in 2020 en cotutelle at the Eberhard Karls Universität Tübingen and the Università degli studi di Salerno under the supervision of Irmgard Männlein-Robert and Franco Ferrari. Julia's book will be released in December in Brill's new Plato Studies Series (vol. 11): see the book page for more information. The Editorial Committee would also like to recognise the excellence of the dissertation written by Roberto Granieri: [...]

2022-08-08T01:12:43+00:00Categories: Announcements, Other Announcements|

Platonic Summer Seminar VI in Lanckorona (Poland)

The annual Platonic Summer Seminar in Lanckorona (Poland) will hold its sixth meeting this Aug. 21-27. The theme this year will be “Οὐσία in Platonic-Aristotelian Psychology”, discussing Plato's and Aristotle's psychological writings in conjunction with Martin Heidegger’s 1921 interpretation of De Anima. The event is organized by the Institute of Philosophy and Sociology of the Pedagogical University of Kraków, the Jagiellonian University of Kraków, and the Philosophical Journal Kronos. For further info, see the seminar's site: http://www.platon.up.krakow.pl/ - and to register, contact the organizers here: platonicsummerseminar@gmail.com.

2022-06-29T10:43:35+00:00Categories: Announcements, Other Announcements|

Plato Journal, Volume 23 (2022)

The International Plato Society's journal, Plato Journal, has released its 23rd volume for 2022, available now at impactum-journals.uc.pt/platojournal. (See here for the full PDF.) Articles by Lucas Alvarez, Athanasia Giasoumi, Michael Wiitala, Manlio Fossati, Noburu Notomi, Bernard Suzanne, and Brennan McDavid, with book reviews by Livio Rossetti, Maicon Reus Engler, and Laura Marongiu. Plato Journal is available free access on line and printed on demand by Coimbra University Press. Are you interested in submitting to Plato Journal? Please, see the About the Journal page for the journal's section policies, as well as the Submissions page.

2022-03-29T18:34:51+00:00Categories: Just published, Other Announcements|

IPS 2021 Mid-Term Proceedings Out in Areté

Proceedings from the IPS' 2021 Mid-Term Meeting are now out in a special issue of Areté (vol. 36: "Koinōnia en la filosofía de Platón"). Table of Contents: Communication and Kinship. On “Koinōnia” and “Syngeneia” in Plato’s Dialogues (Carlo Delle Donne) Common Ground or Double Bind? The Possibility of Dialogue in Plato’s Crito (Sarah Feldman) The Koinon Agathon of Plato’s Charmides (Alan Pichanick) Koinōnia and the Psychology of Possession (Veronika Konrádová) Koinōnia in the Symposium: from community to communion? (Zdenek Lenner) El comercio según Platón: ¿factor de división o de comunidad política? (Etienne Helmer) The Women’s Law (tou gynaikeiou nomos) in the Kallipolis of Plato’s Republic (Gabriele Cornelli, Rosane Maia) Psicología, política y poesía en República IV y X (Lucas Soares) Plato on the Mechanics of Koinōnia Formation (Stephanos Stephanides) La ciencia en sí misma y la ciencia en nosotros: en torno al rol de la epistḗmē en el Fedro (Gabriel García) Koinōnía y Justicia. De la República al Parménides (Raúl Gutiérrez) Three [...]

2022-03-29T18:20:51+00:00Categories: Announcements, Other Announcements|

New Publication: Séparation et relation chez Platon et chez Plotin

Séparation et relation chez Platon et chez Plotin By Michel Fattal. 2022. 100 pp. 12.00 EUR softcover. ISBN: 978-2-343-25507-1. Paris: L'Harmattan. (Ouverture Philosophique) French/Français: L'originalité de la philosophie de Platon et de Plotin est de situer l'origine de toutes choses dans un principe supérieur au monde physique et matériel. Cette décision philosophique, qui ne va pas de soi, visant à placer la cause de toutes choses dans un principe transcendant et immatériel, est concomitante d'un autre choix philosophique consistant à « séparer » la cause de son effet, le haut du bas, l'intelligible du sensible, l'invisible du visible, l'incorporel du corporel. De telles « séparations » poseront à Platon et à Plotin le problème de l'unité du monde et des « relations » que ces deux niveaux différents peuvent ou doivent malgré tout entretenir afin d'éviter toute forme de dérive dualiste et de vision pessimiste du monde. Cet ouvrage propose [...]

2022-02-24T12:12:11+00:00Categories: Just published, Other Announcements|

IPS at the APA 2022

IPS at the American Philosophical Association: Central Division Chicago, Illinois Friday, February 25, 7:00–10:00 P.M. Session jointly sponsored with the International Society for the Study of Socrates Topic: Three New Books on Xenophon’s Socrates Chair: Donald Morrison (Rice University) Speakers: Thomas Pangle (University of Texas at Austin), “Socrates in Xenophon’s Socratic Writings” David Johnson (Southern University of Illinois Carbondale), “Xenophon’s Socratic Works” Commentators: Christopher Moore (The Pennsylvania State University) Emily Baragwanath (University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill) IPS at the American Philosophical Association: Pacific Division Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada Wednesday, April 13, 6:00–9:00 P.M. Chair: J. Clerk Shaw (University of Tennessee, Knoxville) Speakers: Sophia M. Connell (Birkbeck College London), “Love as Infectious Disease in the Phaedrus 250c8-252c2” Claudia Luchetti (Eberhard Karls Universität Tübingen), “On the Non-Aporetic Character of the Socratic ἔλεγχος in the Euthyphro” Marina Marren (University of Nevada, Reno), “Plato’s Philosophical Method: The Second Sailing”

2022-02-24T11:38:54+00:00Categories: Announcements, Other Announcements|

Plato Journal, Volume 22 (2021)

The International Plato Society's journal, Plato Journal, has released its 22nd volume for 2021, available now at impactum-journals.uc.pt/platojournal. (See here for the full PDF.) Introduction by Richard Perry, with dossiers from Michael Augustín, Renato Matoso, Xin Liu, George Rudebusch, Thomas Tuozzo, and Roslyn Weiss, and a book review by Francisco Lisi. Articles by Marco Donato, Jens Kristian Larsen, Rasmus Sevelsted, Jan Szaif, Jonathan Lavilla de Lera, Javier Aguirre Santos, and Stephen Oppong Peprah. Plato Journal is available free access on line and printed on demand by Coimbra University Press. Are you interested in submitting to Plato Journal? Please, see the About the Journal page for the journal's section policies, as well as the Submissions page.

2021-10-26T10:00:54+00:00Categories: Just published, Other Announcements|
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