Plato’s Sophist Selected Papers of the Thirteenth Symposium Platonicum Published by Prof. Dr. Luc Brisson, Prof. Dr. Edward C. Halper, Prof. Dr. Richard D. Parry Karl-Alber-Verlag, 1. Edition 2024, 573 Pages The book is part of the series International Plato Studies OPEN ACCESS

New book on the Timaeus

We are pleased to inform you of the publication of the following book on the Timaeus: Ordre et désordre dans l’univers Une étude sur l’expérience de pensée du Timée Series:  Brill's Plato Studies Series, Volume: 16 Author: Luca Pitteloud Ce livre propose une nouvelle interprétation du Timée de Platon dans laquelle le mythe cosmologique est identifié à une expérience de pensée. Le discours de Timée nous demande ce que nous ferions si nous étions un artisan divin chargé de façonner l'univers en conférant de l'ordre à un milieu chaotique. Après avoir adopté trois critères à satisfaire pour appartenir à la catégorie de l’expérience de pensée (1 : contrefactualité ; 2 : nécessité de la production d’images ; 3 : progrès cognitif), il est défendu que le discours de Timée contient à la fois une séquence d'arguments déductifs et la possibilité de combiner ces arguments en différents modèles mentaux de l'univers. [...]

IPS Mid Term Meeting

The IPS is pleased to announce that the Mid-Term Meeting for the period 2022-2025 will be split into two parts, on close themes, and will be organized by two different teams: Part I will be held in Japan on the occasion of the 4th Asia Regional Meeting, on "Plato and the Gods", 11-13 September 2024, Nagoya University (see attached announcement and call for papers here). Part II will be held in Italy on "Asebeia, Eusebeia. Plato on impiety, piety and religion, 15-17 January 2025, Milan, Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore. This meeting will take place both in person and online. Presentations and discussion will be in all languages officially accepted by the IPS (English, German, French, Italian, Spanish and Portuguese). The Call for Papers and details will be published in May 2024.

In Memoriam Giovanni Casertano (1941-2023)

Giovanni Casertano was a founding member of the IPS, was born in Santa Maria Capua Vetere on 6 March 1941. A pupil of Giuseppe Martano, the first holder of the History of Ancient Philosophy chair at the University of Naples, he was full professor of History of Ancient Philosophy at the Faculty of Humanities at the University of Naples from 1980 to 2009. A member of the College of Honorary Citizens of the ancient city of Elea and Doctor honoris causa at the University of Brasilia, a refined scholar of the pre-Socratics, the Sophists and, above all, of his beloved Plato, he taught generations of students to think katà philosophian. With Gabriele Giannantoni, Mario Vegetti and Giovanni Cerri, as well as with many other scholars, both Italian and foreign, now deceased, he collaborated in the construction of the best international philosophical historiography on antiquity. Among his many important books, we [...]

In memoriam Thomas Alexander Szlezák (1940-2023)

“Eines Morgens wachst Du nicht mehr auf, die Vögel aber singen, wie sie gestern sangen. Nichts ändert diesen Tageslauf. Nur Du bist fortgegangen, Du bist nun frei und unsere Tränen wünschen Dir Glück“ "One morning you will no longer wake up, but the birds will sing as they sang yesterday. Nothing changes this course of the day. Only you have gone away, you are now free and our tears wish you happiness“ With these heartfelt words the Szlezák family announces the departure of Thomas Alexander Szlezák on 18 October, after a brief but difficult illness. He was not only a co-founder but also an active member of the IPS, both on the Executive Committee and the Editorial Board. His publications include first and foremost his edition and commentary on the Pseudo Archytas über die Kategorien (1972). His Habilitationschrift was on Platon und Aristoteles in der Nuslehre Plotins(1979). Together with K. [...]

2023-10-28T20:55:06+00:00Categories: Announcements, Other Announcements|

In memoriam Holger Thesleff

Holger Thesleff 1924–2023 On October 6th we heard the sad news from Helsinki that our esteemed colleague Holger Thesleff passed away on October 3rd. According to his son, who was present, he did so “peacefully and without pain.” He had not been his usual self since an illness last year, even though he had been amazingly active well into his nineties. Among his best known works were two early studies of the Pythagorean corpus of the Hellenistic era (1961, 1965); and three monographs on Plato: Studies in the Styles of Plato (1967), Studies in Platonic Chronology (1982) and Studies in Plato’s Two-Level Model (1999), all conveniently included in Platonic Patterns (2009). He also helped build up a literature on Plato in the Swedish and Finnish languages. He was a regular and valued contributor at the symposia of the International Plato Society. Some months before his death he learned that his final paper, “Afterthoughts on ‘School Accumulation’ in Plato’s Academy,” was [...]

In memoriam Tomás Calvo Martínez (1942-2023)

Prof. Tomás Calvo Martínez (1942-2023) It is with great sadness and difficulty that we must announce to our members the passing of our beloved former IPS President, Prof.Tomás Calvo Martínez. He passed away on 1st October, in the company of his son Néstor and members of his family. A dear friend and excellent colleague, he has been our mentor and a supportive, vibrant member of academia. Naturally generous and sympathetic, he has contributed to our Society in many fruitful ways. Prof. Tomás Calvo has contributed to putting Spain on the map of countries that carry out serious and fruitful research in the field of the history of ancient philosophy. He became President of the International Plato Society in the period 1992-1995, as organiser of the IV International Plato Symposium in Granada, bringing together the best specialists in the world in the study and interpretation of the dialogues Timaeus and Critias [...]

In memoriam Thomas Robinson (1936-2023)

THOMAS M. ROBINSON   Thomas More Robinson passed away on April 29, 2023, in Paris, France, at the age of 86, following an accident. Predeceased last year by his beloved wife, Erna Paris, he is survived by his stepchildren Michelle Paris and Roland Paris (Katie); grandchildren Julia, Simon and Jacqueline; brother Gerard Robinson in Newcastle, England; brother-in-law Peter Newman (Renée Bouthot) and sister-in-law Jill Solnicki; and numerous nieces and nephews.   Born in 1936 to Alban and Emily Robinson in Houghton-le-Spring, a mining town in northeast England, Tom was the second-youngest of eleven siblings, nine of whom predeceased him: Sydney, John, Terry, Francis, Winifred, George, Lester, Joseph, and Bernard. The family’s encyclopedia was his childhood window onto the wider world. He went on to study classics and philosophy at the Universities of Durham and Oxford, spending summers as a tour guide in Europe. His adventures continued when he moved to [...]

2023-05-05T12:34:43+00:00Categories: Other Announcements|

In memoriam Charles H. Kahn (1928-2023)

It is with great sadness that we share the news of the passing of Charles Kahn and the obituary of Michael Weisberg. CHARLES H. KAHN 1928-2023 Charles H. Kahn, one of the most important historians of philosophy in the last century, has passed away at the age of 94. Kahn’s books and articles on ancient Greek philosophy, particularly on the Presocratics and Plato, are landmarks in philosophical and classical scholarship. Born in Louisiana, United States of America, in 1928, Kahn enrolled in the University of Chicago at the age of sixteen, where he completed his Bachelor’s and Master’s degrees. After further study at the Sorbonne, he completed his doctorate in classical studies at Columbia University, then served as Assistant and Associate Professor of Classics at Columbia from 1958 to 1965. He was appointed Professor of Philosophy at the University of Pennsylvania in 1965, where he remained until his retirement in [...]

2023-03-08T16:15:10+00:00Categories: Other Announcements|
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