III International Plato Spring Seminar. The Theaetetus
Universidad Carlos III (Madrid) 21-22 May 2018
Participants :
- Carolina Araujo (Rio de Janeiro)
- Marcelo Boeri (Santiago de Chile)
- Michele Curnis (Madrid)
- Rafael Ferber (Luzern)
- Franco Ferrari (Salerno)
- Francisco J. González (Ottawa)
- Xavier Ibánez (Barcelona)
- Francisco Lisi (Madrid)
- Graciela Marcos (Buenos Aires)
- Claudia Mársico (Buenos Aires)
- Michel Narcy (Paris)
- Thomas Robinson (Toronto)
- Harold Tarrant (Newcastle)
- Álvaro Vallejo (Granada)
Organizer: Beatriz Bossi (beabossi@filos.ucm.es)
- 9.45-10.00: Welcome: Francisco Lisi – Beatriz Bossi
- 10.00-11.15: Session 1: Chair: Franco Ferrari
- 10.00-10.45: Michel Narcy: «Socrates in the Theaetetus: old and new».
- 10.45-11.15: Francisco Lisi: “Heraclitus, Protagoras and Plato (Theaetetus 155d1-160e4)”.
- 11.15-11.45: COFFEE BREAK
- 11.45-13.15: Session 2: Chair: Harold Tarrant
- 11.45-12.30: Graciela Marcos: “On Plato’s methodological strategy in Theaetetus 151d-186e. Between hypothesis and self-refutation”.
- 12.30-13.15: Beatriz Bossi: “On Socrates’ dealing with Theaetetus’ first claim about knowledge”.
- 13.15- 14.30: LUNCH
- 14.30-15.45: Session 3: Chair: Graciela Marcos
- 14.30-15.00: Fernando Monedero: “The virtue of the circle: on the circularity of knowledge and its utility for moral progress”
- 15.00-15.45: X. Ibáñez Puig: “We are what we eat. The Theaetetus as philosophy of education”.
- 15.45-16.15: COFFEE BREAK
- 16.15-17.30: Session 4: Chair: Thomas Robinson
- 16.15-17.00: Claudia Mársico: Intra-Socratic Polemics in Plato’s Theaetetus“.
- 17.00-17.30: Rafael Ferber: “Who is the measure of all things in Plato?”
- 9.45-11.15: Session 1: Chair: Michel Narcy
- 9.45-10.30: Francisco González: “Thinking as Conversation in Plato’s Theaetetus.”
- 10.30-11.00: Thomas Robinson: “Soul, Knowledge and Opinion in the Theaetetus”
- 11.00-11.30: COFFEE BREAK
- 11.30-13.00: Session 2: Chair: Tomás Calvo
- 11.30-12.15: Franco Ferrari: “Traces of euporia in an aporetic dialogue: The relational ontology in Plato’s Theaetetus”.
- 12.15 -13.00: : Carolina Araujo: “Disposition in the aviary model” (197-200)
- 13.00- 14.30: LUNCH
- 14.30-15.30: Session 3: Chair: Francisco González
- 14.30-15.00: Álvaro Vallejo: “Dialectics in the Theaetetus”
- 15.00-15.30: Bosco García Rodríguez: “Finding the Divine in Socrates’ sophistry”
- 15.30-16.00: COFFEE BREAK
- 16.00-17.15.: Session 4: Chair: Claudia Mársico
- 16.00-16.45: Harold Tarrant “The Theaetetus as first step on the path to a New Academy”?
- 16.45-17.15: Michele Curnis (20+10) “From Stobaeus to Byzantine manuscripts: anthological selections and indirect tradition of Plato’s Theaetetus“.