International Plato Society Best Dissertation on Plato “Conrado Eggers Lan” Prize

Conrado Eggers Lan was Ancient Philosophy Professor at the Universities of Buenos Aires, Heidelberg and Autónoma de México (UNAM). Co-founder of the International Plato Society and host of the First Symposium Platonicum held in Mexico City in 1986.
Dissertations Prize Results
We are delighted to announce, on behalf of Professor Franco Ferrari, head of the IPS Editorial Committee, that we have a winner for the Conrado Eggers Lan Prize for outstanding dissertations in the field of Platonic studies. Evaluation has been carried out by an ad hoc Committee, chosen by the Editorial Committee and coordinated by Franco Ferrari: Mario Vegetti, Luc Brisson, Francesco Fronterotta, Lesley Brown, Alonso Tordesillas, Francisco Gonzalez, Francisco Lisi, Marcelo Boeri, Irmgard Männlein-Robert and Mauro Tulli.
The winning dissertation is Sergio di Girolamo’s Il tutto, l’intero e l’uno: alcuni temi del confronto platonico con Parmenide nel Parmenide, nel Teeteto e nel Sofista.
Tutor: Aldo Brancacci. Università degli Studi di Roma “Tor Vergata”.
The Committee has also decided to recognize the merit of two more candidates: Matthew Duncombe (second) and Tosca Lynch (third).
We would like to express our deep gratitude to the evaluators and to all the candidates. The opportunity of publication of the dissertation as a book in one of the leading IPS Series dissertation has been offered the prize-winning.