Becoming a member

If you are not a member of the IPS, you can now join online.

  • please, visit the « How to become a member? » page, and choose your membership type.
  • You will be directed to a paypal payment gateway, and you’ll then be automatically redirected to your « Profile » page.
  • Edit carefully your Profile page. You can modify later some informations.
  • Your application is confirmed by the committee. In the unfortunate case your application is rejected, you will be immediately refunded.

Renew your membership

  • The renewal of your membership dues is the first day of the triennial Symposium Platonicum. The membership is currently running from 2013 to 2016. You will be ask for renewal of your membership 2016-2019 during the XI Symposium Platonicum in July in Brasilia.
  • Paypal is the easiest and shorter way to renew your membership. If you prefer other method of payment, please, visit the page « How to become a member »


Update your profile page

Your public profile is access restricted and will be displayed only for paid-up members. If you cannot access the Members’ Directory, please contact the presidency to check your membership status.

  • As soon as you have received your login and password, you can update your profile. Go to the website and log in. You can update your public profile clicking the top right bar showing your name and choosing « Profile », or go to this page. Please complete the form carefully – you might want to add a photo too (Change Avatar).
  • Your login is not changeable. But you should change your provisional password in your Profile.
  • You can add some « Documents » to share with other regular members, and use the Forums, and receive private emails from other members.
  • If you want to change a phone number, postal address, or warn us for anything regarding your membership, please write directly to and