In line with our commitment to promoting Platonic studies and following the indications of the Cornelia de Vogel Foundation, the International Plato Society (IPS) is pleased to announce the Cornelia de Vogel Prize for the first time in the history of our Institutions.


Five prizes of 800 Euros each will be awarded to the best papers presented by young scholars at the forthcoming XIV Symposium Platonicum to be held in Madrid (May 5-9, 2025).



To participate, candidates must meet the following criteria:


– Be classified as a junior scholar (defined as 40 years of age or younger).


– Be a current member of the IPS whose abstract has been selected for presentation at the XIV Symposium Platonicum.

– Submit a full paper of no more than 3,500 words by April 15, 2025, to:


including the following information in the email:  Full name, Nationality, Institutional affiliation, Academic position, and exact age at the time of submission.

We look forward to receiving your submissions.


The Executive Committee of the IPS

The de Vogel Foundation