The VI Symposium Platonicum

The Sixth Symposium Platonicum was held in Jerusalem, last August, on the Laws. First of all, I woud like to thank on behalf of all the members of the TPS the outgoing President, Prof. Samuel Scolnicov, for all he did to keep the society running smoothly during the Triennium, for the warm hospitaliy, we enjoyed in Jerusalem and for the Symposium itself, so well organised and so stimulating. As our host, Prof. Scolnicov set standards which will not be easy to meet again. Prof. Scolnicov is now in charge of editing the volume of selected papers arising from the Symposum to be published as usual by Academie Verlag. The Executive Committee Elections for the Executive Committee : Professor Maurizio Migliori (Macerata), Professor Francisco Bravo (Caracas) and Professor Noburu Notomi (Tokyo) were elected to the Executive Committee, replacing, respectively, Professor Matthias Baltes (Miinster), Professor Nicole Ooms (Mexico) and Professor Tarrant (Newcastle, NSW) [...]

2016-11-02T22:57:17+00:00Categories: Symposium Platonicum|Tags: |

The V Symposium Platonicum

This Symposium took place at Trinity College, University of Toronto, August 19-23, 1998. It had as its subject the Charmides, the Lysis and the Euthydemus. Selected papers from the Fifth Symposium will be published in due course as a volume of the International Plato Studies. Main decisions made at the General Assembly, held in Toronto during the Symposium : The financial statement presented by the President, T. M. Robinson, has been approved. It has been likewise confirmed the proposal to hold the Sixth Symposium in Jerusalem in 2001, and Professor Samuel Scolnicov (Univ. of Jerusalem) has been appointed President of the IPS for the triennium 1998-2001 and thereby organizer of the said Symposium. The next Symposium Platonicum will be on the Laws. Professors Christopher Gill (Exeter), Lloyd Gerson (Toronto) and Nicole Ooms (México) were elected to the Executive Committee, replacing, respectively, Professors Giuseppe Cambiano (Torino), G. R. F. Ferrari (Berkeley) and Ute [...]

2013-11-12T08:39:01+00:00Categories: Symposium Platonicum|

The IV Symposium Platonicum

The Fourth Symposium Platonicum, on the topic of the Timaeus and the Critias, was held in Granada, September 4-9, 1995. Its academic and structural outlines had been approved by the Executive Committee at a preparatory meeting held in Madrid. The proceedings — Interpreting the Timaeus – Critias. Proceedings of the IV Symposium Platonicum. Selected papers, edited by T. Calvo and L. Brisson — have been published in 1997 by Academia Verlag as Volume 9 of International Plato Studies. At a plenary session, participants in the Symposium made decisions as follows : they approved the financial statement presented by the President, T. Calvo Martínez they elected the following to the Executive Committee for the triennium 1995-98 : G. Cambiano (Univ. of Turin) and M. Baltes (Univ. of Münster) to represent Europe ; G. R. F. Ferrari (Univ. of Berkeley) to represent North America ; Ute Schmidt-Osmanczik (U. N. A. M., Mexico City) to represent Latin America ; [...]

2013-11-12T08:38:51+00:00Categories: Symposium Platonicum|Tags: , |

The III Symposium Platonicum

The Third Symposium Platonicum, held in Bristol on August 26-30, 1992, was the first to be organized by the IPS. Its academic and structural outlines had been approved by the Executive Committee (to whose number had been added A. P. Bos, as representative of the C. J. de Vogel Foundation), at a preparatory meeting held in Amsterdam. The Acta were published : in a volume, edited by C. J. Rowe, entitled Reading the Statesman. Proceedings of the III Symposium Platonicum and in a special number of Polis : Newsletter of the Society for the Study of Greek Political Thought, (12) 1/2, 1993, ISSN 0412-257X. At a plenary session participants in the Symposium made decisions as follows : - they approved the financial statement presented by the President, C.J. Rowe - they elected the following to the Executive Committee for the triennium 1992-95 : G. Cambiano (Univ. of Turin) and Th. A. Szlezák (Univ. of [...]

2016-11-02T22:57:17+00:00Categories: Symposium Platonicum|

The II Symposium Platonicum… and the foundation of the IPS

The IPS was founded on September 3, 1989 at Bevagna, a small town 40 km. to the south east of Perugia, Italy, on the occasion of the Second Symposium Platonicum. The idea of setting up the Association was launched by L. Rossetti (Univ. of Perugia), organizer of the Second Symposium Platonicum, in documents preparatory to the Symposium, and a session for this purpose, to be chaired by G. Cambiano (Univ. of Turin) was included in the official programme of the Symposium. The Bevagna meeting was attended by 95 scholars, of whom 5 were from Eastern Europe (Czechoslovakia, Poland, USSR), 3 from Scandinavia (Denmark, Norway, Finland), 7 from the Far East (South Korea, Japan, The People’s Republic of China), 1 from Australia, and 8 from Latin America (Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Mexico). At a plenary session participants in the Symposium made decisions as follows : they adopted a set of working procedures for [...]

2016-11-02T22:57:17+00:00Categories: Symposium Platonicum|

The Symposium Platonicum 1986…and the events leading up to it

The First Symposium Platonicum, entitled at the time Symposium Platonicum 1986, took place in the aforementioned year in Mexico City, at the initiative of Conrado Eggers Lan (U. N. A. M.). Participating were several Mexican scholars and five scholars from elsewhere : Alfonso Gomez-Lobo, (Georgetown Univ., Washington), Giuseppe Mazzara (Univ. of Palermo), Thomas M. Robinson (Univ. of Toronto), Livio Rossetti (Univ. of Perugia), and Christopher J. Rowe (Univ. of Bristol). The Symposium took as its theme Los diálogos tardíos, and the Acta of the meeting, edited by C. Eggers Lan and entitled Platón : Los diálogos tardíos. Actas del Symposium platonicum 1986, were published in 1987 as part of the ongoing series published by the Instituto de Investigaciones Filosóficas of the Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (U. N. A. M). The volume was re-issued in 1994, with a "Preface to the second edition", as the third volume in the series International Plato Studies. [...]

2016-11-02T22:57:17+00:00Categories: Symposium Platonicum|
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