The V Symposium Platonicum
This Symposium took place at Trinity College, University of Toronto, August 19-23, 1998. It had as its subject the Charmides, the Lysis and the Euthydemus. Selected papers from the Fifth Symposium will be published in due course as a volume of the International Plato Studies. Main decisions made at the General Assembly, held in Toronto during the Symposium : The financial statement presented by the President, T. M. Robinson, has been approved. It has been likewise confirmed the proposal to hold the Sixth Symposium in Jerusalem in 2001, and Professor Samuel Scolnicov (Univ. of Jerusalem) has been appointed President of the IPS for the triennium 1998-2001 and thereby organizer of the said Symposium. The next Symposium Platonicum will be on the Laws. Professors Christopher Gill (Exeter), Lloyd Gerson (Toronto) and Nicole Ooms (México) were elected to the Executive Committee, replacing, respectively, Professors Giuseppe Cambiano (Torino), G. R. F. Ferrari (Berkeley) and Ute [...]