The VI Symposium Platonicum
The Sixth Symposium Platonicum was held in Jerusalem, last August, on the Laws. First of all, I woud like to thank on behalf of all the members of the TPS the outgoing President, Prof. Samuel Scolnicov, for all he did to keep the society running smoothly during the Triennium, for the warm hospitaliy, we enjoyed in Jerusalem and for the Symposium itself, so well organised and so stimulating. As our host, Prof. Scolnicov set standards which will not be easy to meet again. Prof. Scolnicov is now in charge of editing the volume of selected papers arising from the Symposum to be published as usual by Academie Verlag. The Executive Committee Elections for the Executive Committee : Professor Maurizio Migliori (Macerata), Professor Francisco Bravo (Caracas) and Professor Noburu Notomi (Tokyo) were elected to the Executive Committee, replacing, respectively, Professor Matthias Baltes (Miinster), Professor Nicole Ooms (Mexico) and Professor Tarrant (Newcastle, NSW) [...]