Program For Symposium XIII
Significant changes are made from the previously posted draft. Click here for the latest program schedule.
Significant changes are made from the previously posted draft. Click here for the latest program schedule.
Symposium Platonicum XIII Plato’s Sophist Athens, Georgia, USA July 18-22, 2022 Registration is now open. The International Plato Society organizes a symposium on a single Platonic dialogue every three years. We are pleased to announce the XIII Symposium Platonicum: Plato’s Sophist. The Symposium will take place July 18–22, 2022, at the University of Georgia in Athens, Georgia, USA. Submissions on any aspect of the dialogue, including its Presocratic sources and later reception, will be considered. Plato’s Sophist was, arguably, the most important Platonic dialogue for mid-20th century philosophy. Anglo-American analytic philosophers looked to it to come to understand Plato’s philosophy of language. Continental philosophers, inspired by Heidegger’s beginning Being and Time with a quotation from the Sophist, looked to the dialogue to wrestle with Plato’s notion of being. Not surprisingly, each group found a rich field from which to pursue their mostly non-overlapping interests. Both sides did agree on [...]