Programme – XIV Symposium Platonicum
PROGRAMME INTERNATIONAL PLATO SOCIETY XIV SYMPOSIUM PLATONICUM Facultad de Filosofía Universidad Complutense de Madrid Ciudad Universitaria Campus de Moncloa Plaza Menéndez Pelayo sin número Monday, May 5 8.00-9.00: Reception of the Participants (Central Hall, Ground floor) 9.00-10.00: Opening Ceremony (Paraninfo, Ground floor) Welcome to the XIV Symposium: Dean of the Faculty of Philosophy: Prof. Dr. Juan José García Norro Memorial to Honor our Dearest Members: Thomas More Robinson (Livio Rossetti: online) Tomás Calvo Martínez (Álvaro Vallejo Campos) Thomas Szlezák (Francisco Lisi) Gianni Casertano (Lidia Palumbo) Maurizio Migliori (Elisabetta Cattanei) 10.00-11.00: Plenary Session (Paraninfo) Chair: Mary Margaret Mc Cabe De Vogel Lecturer: Prof. Christopher Rowe: ‘On (Mis-translating) Plato on Belief and Knowledge: the Theaetetus and Other Dialogues’ 11.00-11.30: Coffee Break (Cafetería de Profesores, downstairs) Parallel Session 1: Plato against Flux and Materialism (Paraninfo) Chair: Ivana Costa 11.30-12.10: Noburu [...]