Programme – XIV Symposium Platonicum

    PROGRAMME   INTERNATIONAL PLATO SOCIETY   XIV SYMPOSIUM PLATONICUM   Facultad de Filosofía Universidad Complutense de Madrid Ciudad Universitaria Campus de Moncloa Plaza Menéndez Pelayo sin número     Monday, May 5     8.00-9.00: Reception of the Participants (Central Hall, Ground floor)   9.00-10.00: Opening Ceremony (Paraninfo, Ground floor)   Welcome to the XIV Symposium: Dean of the Faculty of Philosophy:  Prof. Dr.  Juan José García Norro   Memorial to Honor our Dearest Members:   Thomas More Robinson (Livio Rossetti: online) Tomás Calvo Martínez (Álvaro Vallejo Campos) Thomas Szlezák (Francisco Lisi) Gianni Casertano (Lidia Palumbo) Maurizio Migliori (Elisabetta Cattanei)   10.00-11.00: Plenary Session (Paraninfo) Chair: Mary Margaret Mc Cabe De Vogel Lecturer: Prof. Christopher Rowe: ‘On (Mis-translating) Plato on Belief and Knowledge: the Theaetetus and Other Dialogues’   11.00-11.30: Coffee Break (Cafetería de Profesores, downstairs)   Parallel Session 1: Plato against Flux and Materialism (Paraninfo) Chair: Ivana Costa 11.30-12.10: Noburu [...]

Plato’s Sophist Selected Papers of the Thirteenth Symposium Platonicum Published by Prof. Dr. Luc Brisson, Prof. Dr. Edward C. Halper, Prof. Dr. Richard D. Parry Karl-Alber-Verlag, 1. Edition 2024, 573 Pages The book is part of the series International Plato Studies OPEN ACCESS

Newsletter Feb. 2025

  INTERNATIONAL PLATO SOCIETY   XIV SYMPOSIUM PLATONICUM In person Sessions MADRID   Venue: FACULTAD DE FILOSOFÍA Y FILOLOGÍA EDIFICIO A UNIVERSIDAD COMPLUTENSE DE MADRID CAMPUS DE MONCLOA PLAZA MENÉNDEZ PELAYO SIN NÚMERO      Confirmed Plenary Speakers:   Christopher Rowe (Durham University) (De Vogel Lecturer online) Ronald Polansky (Duquesne University) (De Vogel Lecturer in person) Mary Margaret McCabe (King’s College, London) Franco Ferrari (Università di Pavia) Marcelo Boeri (Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile) Franco Trabattoni (Università di Milano) Mi-Kyoung (Mitzi) Lee (Colorado University at Boulder) Anne Balansard (Aix-Marseille Université)  Barbara Sattler (Ruhr-Universität Bochum) Harold Tarrant (University of Newcastle, Australia) Laura Marongiu (Università di Milano) We kindly encourage you to post your full paper in English by April 25(or at least your main hypotheses and arguments). Upload it to indicating your surname in the filename or send it to so that everyone can follow your presentation even if the language of your [...]

Cornelia de Vogel Prize – International Plato Society Call for Submissions

  In line with our commitment to promoting Platonic studies and following the indications of the Cornelia de Vogel Foundation, the International Plato Society (IPS) is pleased to announce the Cornelia de Vogel Prize for the first time in the history of our Institutions.   Five prizes of 800 Euros each will be awarded to the best papers presented by young scholars at the forthcoming XIV Symposium Platonicum to be held in Madrid (May 5-9, 2025). Eligibility:   To participate, candidates must meet the following criteria:   - Be classified as a junior scholar (defined as 40 years of age or younger).   - Be a current member of the IPS whose abstract has been selected for presentation at the XIV Symposium Platonicum. - Submit a full paper of no more than 3,500 words by April 15, 2025, to:   including the following information in the email:  Full [...]

Report on the 4th Asia Regional Meeting of the International Plato Society (IPS Mid-Term Meeting) 

Overview The 4th Asia Regional Meeting of the International Plato Society was held in person from September 11–13, 2024, at Nagoya University in Japan. Under the theme of “Plato and Gods,” the conference examined the multifaceted ways in which Plato’s philosophy engages with divinity. Despite being held in person, the conference attracted 73 participants. While designated as a regional event, it became a global gathering with participants from 17 countries and regions, including Japan, China, South Korea, Taiwan, Thailand, Australia, New Zealand, the United States, Canada, the United Kingdom, Germany, Sweden, France, Greece, Switzerland, and Italy. The program featured 40 presentations, including three keynote lectures, reflecting the diversity of scholarly engagement with the theme. This conference also served as Part I of the IPS Mid-Term Meeting for the period 2022–2025. The conference explored how Plato conceptualizes the divine and the ideal of godlikeness (homoiōsis theō), both as an ethical aspiration [...]

2025-02-09T20:20:51+00:00Categories: Announcements, Just published|


CALL FOR PAPERS INDETERMINACY IN ANCIENT PHILOSOPHY  Convenors: Ugo Zilioli (Oxford University) and Refik Güremen (Middle East Technical U., Ankara) Literature on indeterminacy and vagueness has expanded rapidly, especially since the late twentieth century. In recent decades, the debate has intensified, driven by a growing interest in metaphysical and ontic indeterminacy. Philosophers are exploring various models and methods to investigate indeterminacy and vagueness across multiple fields, including the metaphysics of ordinary objects, personal identity, mereology, states of affairs, truth-making, philosophy of physics, and time, alongside traditional sorites paradoxes. The discussion is largely shaped by a trichotomy of semantic, epistemological, and metaphysical approaches (J. Robert G. Williams, Philosophy Compass, 2008), with recent advancements in modality and hyperintensionality also contributing to the discourse. It is reasonable to hope that these contemporary developments will inform, illuminate, and motivate fresh interpretations in the history of philosophy, particularly regarding ancient Greek and Latin thought. Epistemic [...]

Conrado Eggers Lan Prize (4rd Ed.) for Best Dissertation on Plato: Call for Submissions

Conrado Eggers Lan was Professor of Ancient Philosophy at the Universities of Buenos Aires, Heidelberg and Autónoma de México (UNAM). He was the co-founder of the International Plato Society and the host of the First Symposium Platonicum held in Mexico City in 1986. In accordance with its mission to promote the study of Plato’s works throughout the world,  to enhance communication between scholars of diverse disciplines working on Plato, and to foster the publication of books and series on Plato, the International Plato Society is pleased to announce the 4nd edition of the Conrado Eggers Lan Prize for the best dissertation in  Platonic studies. Although we understand “Platonic Studies“ very broadly, we are particularly interested in dissertations that contribute to our understanding of Plato’s works. We invite submissions of dissertations that resulted in the award of the Ph.D. degree having been successfully defended between July 31, 2021, and July 31, 2024. The submissions [...]

VIIIth Platonic Summer Seminar on Plato’s Parmenides (23.06–30.06.2024)

  The eighth edition of the Platonic Summer Seminar in Lanckorona (Poland) on Plato’s Parmenides will take place on 23.06–30.06.2024. We will attempt to interpret the dialogue as an exposition of the theory of principles. We are also going to discuss the implied meaning of the Parmenidean One and its dialectical relation to the Many, as well as the multifarious interpretations of the One. A close reading of the text in conjunction with classical Neoplatonist commentaries (Plotinus, Proclus, Damascius) and modern studies (Hegel, Natorp, Heidegger, Colli, Benardete) will be complemented with lectures by contemporary scholars: Claudia Baracchi, Massimo Cacciari, Lloyd Gerson, Francisco Gonzalez, Edward Halper, Claudio Moreschini, Carlos Steel. For further information please consult the website

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