Kristeller-Popkin Travel Fellowships

The Journal of the History of Philosophy invites applications for its Kristeller-Popkin Travel Fellowships in the History of Philosophy. Two awards of up to $4,000 (depending upon the project budget) are offered annually to young scholars in the history of philosophy to defray expenses while travelling to do research. It is expected that the award would normally cover at least 10 days of research. Applicants must have received their Ph.D.s but may not have received them more than six years prior to applying. Applicants who do not receive awards in one year's competition are invited to apply in successive years. Deadline for applications: December 1, 2017. For further information and application forms please visit

2017-11-06T19:08:41+00:00Categories: Announcements|

Journée d’étude : “Platon et les traditions platoniciennes : traduire, interpréter, commenter” (Aix-en-Provence)

Institut d’histoire de la philosophie, Département de philosophie de l’Université d’Aix-Marseille, Università degli studi di Milano Journées d’étude : « PLATON ET LES TRADITIONS PLATONICIENNES : TRADUIRE, INTERPRÉTER, COMMENTER » Samedi 14 octobre 2017 et dimanche 15 octobre 2017   Samedi 14 octobre 2017 Université d'Aix-Marseille Faculté des Arts, Lettres, Langues et Sciences humaines Bâtiment T1 — Pôle Multimédia - Salle des colloques 1 14.30-14.45, Michele Corradi, AMU – IHP (EA 3276) : Ouverture Présidence : Alonso Tordesillas, AMU – IHP (EA 3276) 14.45-15.15, Mauro Tulli, Università di Pisa : Interpréter le style du dialogue : Platon dans la biographie grecque 15.15-15.45, Alexandra Michalewski, CNRS – Centre Léon Robin (UMR 6081) – Paris : Atticus, Pophyre et Proclus, interprètes de Timée 28 a 6-7 15.45-16.15, José María Zamora Calvo, Universidad Autónoma de Madrid : Proclus, commentateur du récit de l'Atlantide 16.15-16.30, Discussion 16.30-17.00, Pause café Présidence : Mieke de Moor, AMU – IHP (EA 3276) 17.00-17.30, Béatrice Bakhouche, Université Paul Valéry Montpellier III – CRISES (EA4424) : Substantia dans le [...]

2017-10-08T10:09:21+00:00Categories: Announcements, Events|

Call for papers : “Forming the Soul: Plato and his Opponents” (20-22 April 2018, Taipei)

“Forming the Soul: Plato and his Opponents” 20~22 April 2018, Taipei   The 2nd Asia Regional Meeting of the International Plato Society International Conference     One must study the nature of the soul in order to practice true rhetoric, as Plato reveals in the Phaedrus. In 2014, we had the first Asia Regional Meeting of the International Plato Society (IPS) in Yokohama, with the theme “Plato and Rhetoric.” This time, we move from rhetoric to the soul (ψυχή) and ask: What is the soul? Does the soul take many forms? How does the soul act and how is it acted upon? Which kind of soul is affected by which kind of speech, and in which way? Discussions of the soul are spread throughout Plato’s dialogues. They are concerned not only with the form(s) of the soul but also with ways of forming the soul. This is not [...]

Plato Journal : All volumes in one place

Plato Journal Dear Colleagues in Plato, The first 12 volumes of Plato Journal are finally gathered on line in the new website here. Thanks to a great effort from our Publisher House, Coimbra University Press, the old volumes of our journal from the very first 2001 issue, are now available in the new format, with proper metadata and properly indexed. Note that the old website hosted on is no longer available. We recommend to all authors and contributors to change their reference of their article, and use instead the permanent DOI which is attributed to each article. We are looking forward for your articles and reviews for the next volumes. Gabriele Cornelli - Editor All the previous issues, from vol. 1 to vol. 12, are hosted and indexed on the archive platform of Impactum. From vol. 13, the new format of the Plato Journal is accessible [...]

2017-09-22T09:30:02+00:00Categories: Announcements, Just published|

Just published : Plato Journal / Vol. 16

We are pleased to announce that a new issue of the Plato Journal, the official journal of the International Plato Society (, is now available on-line at: Vol 16 Table of Contents Editorial Erler, Michael; Ulacco, Angela Introduction Gerson, Lloyd P. What do we think we’re doing? Meinwald, Constance Plato, Platonists, Platonism Silverman, Allan Plato’s perspectivism Gonzalez, Francisco J. Perspectivism and the philosophical rhetoric of the dialogue form McCoy, Marina Antianarchia: interpreting political thought in Plato Lane, Melisssa The value of rule in Plato’s dialogues: a reply to Melissa Lane Ebrey, David Dialectic in Plato’s late dialogues Sayre, Kenneth Comments on K. Sayre, “Dialectic in Plato’s late dialogues” Johnstone, Mark A. The twofold requirements of truth and justice in the Gorgias Renaud, François Platonic interpretive strategies, and the history of philosophy, with a comment on Renaud Nails, Debra We are inviting papers for the next issues (2017 and 2018). For further details, [...]

2017-07-06T18:20:02+00:00Categories: Announcements, Just published|

CFP : Panel “New approaches to Plato” for the Celtic Conference in Classics

New Approaches to Plato in Context The last twenty years have witnessed a renewed interest in the study of the Platonic dialogues in their literary, historical, and sociopolitical contexts. From groundbreaking work on the genre of the dialogue, to reassessments of Plato as a political philosopher, and numerous publications on Plato as a theorist of performance and critic of democracy, recent scholarship on Plato in context has often sought to go beyond strict adherence to the methodologies of analytical philosophy, emphasizing instead Plato’s embeddedness within classical Athenian culture. At the same time, this contextualized study of the dialogues has taken advantage of theoretical perspectives drawn from disciplines such as anthropology, comparative literature and literary theory, performance studies, and sociology. On the surface, these innovative approaches to Plato may appear to have little in common with each other; yet, in toto, it might be argued that renewed interest in Plato [...]

2020-05-25T10:27:15+00:00Categories: Announcements, Events, Previous Conferences|

Proposal for the Symposium Platonicum XIII : Athens – Georgia

The International Plato Society has yet to meet in the United States.  I propose that Symposium XIII take place in Athens, Georgia in 2022. There is much more than the name to recommend Athens. Known as the “classic city,” it is the home of the University of Georgia, the nation’s oldest land grant institution, as well as a vibrant arts and alternative music scene and some nationally recognized restaurants. The campus is beautiful, and Athens itself is a pleasant college town with attractive, older neighborhoods. In many ways it is more representative of the United States than the large cities that many visitors often see exclusively. The University has excellent facilities: we will use modern, air conditioned lecture halls on campus. Hopefully, it will be possible to arrange for conference participants to enjoy the University’s acoustically excellent concert hall. There are an abundance of hotels near campus, most moderately priced.  [...]

2016-11-02T22:57:14+00:00Categories: Announcements|

Plato Journal (15, 2016)

A new volume (15) of Plato Journal is now available on line at Plato Journal is now available free access on line and printed on demand by Coimbra University Press, one of the oldest european publishers. Table of contents Editorial Statement Michael Erler, Angela Ulacco Articles Socrates on the Emotions Thomas C. Brickhouse, Nicholas D. Smith Socrates, wake up! An analysis and exegesis of the “preface” in Plato’s Crito (43a1-b9) Yosef Z. Liebersohn L’introduction problématique du Timée (17a-27a) Nathalie Nercam 'Philosophy' in Plato's Phaedrus Christopher Moore Plato’s cosmological medicine in the discourse of Eryximachus in the Symposium. The responsibility of a harmonic techne Laura Candiotto Scaling the Ladder. Why the Final Step of the Lover’s Ascent is a Generalizing Step Anthony Hooper Reviews [Review] Socratic and Platonic Political Philosophy: Practicing a Politics of Reading. By Christopher P. Long William Henry Furness Altman [Review] Plato’s Parmenides Reconsidered. [...]

2016-11-02T22:57:14+00:00Categories: Announcements, Just published|

II International Plato Spring Seminar : The Politicus (Madrid)

Date and venue 25 – 26 April 2016, Facultad de Filosofía, Universidad Complutense de Madrid: Participants : Juan Bares (Valencia,UV) ; Dougal Blyth (Auckland, NZ) ; Laura Candiotto (Edimburgh,UK) , Giovanni Casertano (Napoli, IT) ; Elisabetta Cattanei (Cagliari, IT) ; Dimitri El Murr (Paris, FR) ; Giovanni Giorgini (Bologna, IT) ; Anthony Hatzistavrou (Hull, UK) ; Josep Monserrat (Barcelona,UB) ; Anna Motta (Napoli, IT) ; Lidia Palumbo (Napoli, IT) ; Miriam Peixoto (Belo Horizonte, BR) ; Thomas Robinson (Toronto, CA) ; Christopher Rowe (Durham, UK) ; Nuria Sánchez Madrid (Madrid, UCM) ; Gislene Santos (Belo Horizonte, BR) ; José María Zamora (Madrid, UAM). Contact and information : Beatriz Bossi (

2016-11-02T22:57:14+00:00Categories: Announcements, Events|

Appel à contribution // Call for papers : Atelier International de la Société d’Etudes Platoniciennes (2nd and 3rd June 2016 – Paris)

Posted by Olivier RENAUT L'Atelier International de la Société d'Etudes Platoniciennes aura lieu les jeudi 2 et vendredi 3 juin 2016. APPEL A CONTRIBUTION / CALL FOR PAPERS La Société d’Etudes Platoniciennes tiendra ses Ateliers 2016 le 2 et 3 juin prochains à l’Université Paris Ouest Nanterre La Défense. Cette manifestation publique est dédiée à la présentation de travaux en cours, non encore publiés, sur Platon et la tradition platonicienne, devant les membres de la Société d’Etudes Platoniciennes. Une large place est donnée à la discussion des travaux présentés. Les Ateliers sont ouverts aux chercheurs confirmés aussi bien qu’aux doctorants et aux contributions en langues française, italienne, espagnole, allemande et anglaise. Les candidats adressent un texte de présentation de leur projet (1000 mots maximum) avant le 21 mars 2016 à l’adresse suivante : *** The Société d’Etudes Platoniciennes will hold the SEP WORKSHOP 2016 on June, 2nd and 3rd at [...]

2020-05-25T10:27:27+00:00Categories: Previous Conferences|
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