The Relation of Master and Disciple in Antiquity (Sept. 6, Madrid)

THE RELATION MASTER AND DISCIPLE IN ANTIQUITY: TRANSMISSION, TRANSFORMATION AND RECEPTION September 6, 2021 This conference is happening both in-person and online. For those interested in registering, send an email to Beatriz Bossi: Location: Facultad de Filosofía, Edificio A, Sala de Juntas (Ground floor on the left)  Session 1: Chair: Patricia Marechal 9.30: Claudia Marsico: Socrates as a teacher and the nature of the Socratic circle 10.00: David Ebrey: Socrates as Model and Guide in the Phaedo 10.30: Jens Kristian Larsen:  The Beauty in the Eye of the Other: Alcibiades 1 on justice, courage, and self-knowledge (online) 11.00: Carlo Cacciatori: A good student, an even better master: Plato on φρόνησις. 11.30: Coffee Break Session 2: Chair: David Ebrey 12.00: Ángel Pascual Martín: Hippocrates brings ‘bad news’ (Prot. 310b4; 310e3) On envy and threats from disciples to teachers 12.30: Jonathan Lavilla de Lera: Aporia in the Laches and the Gorgias (online) 13.00: Patricia [...]

CFA: IPS’ Symposium XIII, on Plato’s Sophist

The International Plato Society’s Symposium XIII at the University of Georgia (USA) July 18-22, 2022 is devoted exclusively to the Sophist.  We will consider abstracts on any aspect of the dialogue and its reception. They should be received by November 29, 2021. At this point, we expect to have an in-person Symposium. However, because some or even many people may not be able to travel, we also plan to have simultaneous Zoom sessions to make remote participation possible. Plato’s Sophist was, arguably, the most important Platonic dialogue for mid-20th century philosophy.  Anglo-American analytic philosophers looked to it to come to understand Plato’s philosophy of language.  Continental philosophers, inspired by Heidegger’s beginning Being and Time with a quotation from the Sophist, looked to the dialogue to wrestle with Plato’s notion of being.  Not surprisingly, each group found a rich field from which to pursue their mostly non-overlapping interests.  Both sides did agree [...]

2021-11-23T21:48:53+00:00Categories: Other Announcements|

IPS Mid-Term Meeting (July 19-22, 2021): Program and Abstracts

IPS Mid-Term Meeting: Koinonia in Plato’s Philosophy (Online – July 19-23, 2021) Conference Program (PDF) Conference Abstracts (PDF) REGISTRATION: The program schedule corresponds to Lima Time (UTC/GMT-5). All activities will be performed through the Zoom platform. Participants will receive by e-mail the password to enter the sessions.

Plato’s Way(s) of Truth: Truth-Values and the Value of Truth (Sept. 7, 2021)

DGPhil-Kolloquium: Platons Weg(e) zur Wahrheit: Wahrheitswerte und der Wert der Wahrheit Panel discussion: Plato’s Way(s) of Truth: Truth-Values and the Value of Truth On Sept. 7th there will be hosting a panel discussion on Plato’s conception of truth (and falsehood) within the framework of the 25th Congress of the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Philosophie (DGPhil), which this year will be hosted by FAU Erlangen-Nürnberg. Paolo Crivelli (Geneva), Blake Hestir (Texas), Jan Szaif (UC Davis), and Katja Maria Vogt (Columbia) will debate state-of-the-art issues surrounding the notion of truth in Plato, with a special emphasis on the most exciting interpretative and philosophical challenges still facing Plato scholars. The event will be held online. To register for the event, please follow the link and scroll down until you see "Registration": Note that due to the event being held online, there is no registration fee. Date and time: 7.9.2021, 5-7 p.m. (CET) Convenors: Antonio Ferro (FAU [...]

2021-07-10T18:34:31+00:00Categories: Other Announcements|

IPS at the 2022 APA Sessions

The International Plato Society plans to sponsor sessions at each of the American Philosophical Association meetings in 2022.  The first one, the Eastern Division meeting, will be held in person in early January of 2022.  It is now scheduled for January 5-8, 2022 in Montreal, Canada; however, the date and the time may be changed.  If you are interested in presenting a paper at this in person meeting, please send an abstract of your paper to by June 30, 2021.  Be sure to indicate that you want your abstract considered for the Eastern Division in-person meeting. The APA’s Central Division will meet in Chicago, February 23-26, 2022. It will be jointly sponsored with the International Society for the Study of Socrates.  So our papers will focus on the early dialogues or other Socratic writings.  The APA’s Pacific meeting will be in Vancouver April 13-16, 2022.  If you are interested [...]

2021-05-24T10:49:23+00:00Categories: Announcements, Other Announcements|

New Publication: Models of Desire in Graeco-Arabic Philosophy—From Plotinus to Ibn Ṭufayl

Models of Desire in Graeco-Arabic Philosophy: From Plotinus to Ibn Ṭufayl By Bethany Somma. 2021. xii, 271 pp. 120.00 EUR / 144.00 USD, hardcover/PDF. ISBN: 978-90-04-46083-6 [hardcover]/978-90-04-46084-3 [PDF]. Leiden: Brill. (Studies in Platonism, Neoplatonism, and the Platonic Tradition 27) This study argues that late ancient Greek and medieval Islamic philosophers interpret human desire along two frameworks in reaction to Aristotle’s philosophy. The investigation of the model dichotomy unfolds historically from the philosophy of Plotinus through the Graeco-Arabic translation movement in 8th-10th century Baghdad to 12th century al-Andalus with the philosophy of Ibn Bāǧǧa and Ibn Ṭufayl. Diverging on desire’s inherent or non-inherent relation to the desiring subject, the two models reveal that the desire’s role can orient opposed accounts of human perfection: logically-structured demonstrative knowledge versus an ineffable witnessing of the truth. Understanding desire along these models, philosophers incorporated supra-rational aspects into philosophical accounts of the human being.

2021-05-07T13:39:22+00:00Categories: Just published, Other Announcements|

Platonic Summer Seminar in Poland (July 5-11, 2021)

This year the 5th edition of the annual Platonic Summer Seminar will be held in Lacnkorona, Poland, and online (via Zoom) on July 5-11, 2021. The Subject of this year's Seminar will be Plato's Phaedrus, and interpretations of the Phaedrus in Hermias, Ficino, Schleiermacher, Natorp, and Heidegger. The event will be held both online and in-person. Lectures will be available online via Zoom and will be delivered, among others, by Thomas A. Szlezák, Claudia Baracchi, Lloyd Gerson, Harold Tarrant, John Dillon, and Fritz Graf. The event is organized by the Institute of Philosophy and Sociology of the Pedagogical University of Kraków, the Jagiellonian University of Kraków, and the Philosophical Journal Kronos. If you would like to join in-person for the event in Poland, send a CV and a statement of purpose to (N.B., discussions may take place in the Polish language.) List of participants will be announced in mid-May. For information, see the Seminar's website: [...]

2021-05-07T12:58:29+00:00Categories: Other Announcements|

New Publication: “Plato in Poland, 1800–1950”

Plato in Poland, 1800–1950 By Tomasz Mróz 2021. Baden-Baden: Academia Verlag. 480 pp. 99.00 EUR. ISBN: 978-3-89665-946-0 (hardcover). [English description] The book attempts to make the Polish reception of Plato available to non-Polish readers. The years 1800-1950 cover essential phaenomena in modern Polish philosophy, for they encompass periods of reception of Western philosophical trends and the development of the Lvov-Warsaw school, neo-Messianism and neo-Scholasticism. The book discusses how each of these phaenomena contributed to interpreting Plato. The material is divided into three main parts focused on various types of reception. [German description] Das vorliegende Buch unternimmt den Versuch, die polnische Platon-Rezeption einem breiten Publikum zugänglich zu machen. Die Jahre 1800–1950 umfassen die Schwerpunkte der Geschichte der polnischen Philosophie: Die Rezeption westlicher philosophischer Strömungen, die Entwicklung der Lemberg-Warschauer Schule, des Neo-Messianismus und der Neo-Scholastik. Das Buch erörtert, wie diese Phänomene in der modernen polnischen Philosophie zur Interpretation von Platon beigetragen haben. See [...]

2021-05-03T13:51:47+00:00Categories: Just published, Other Announcements|
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