As Michael Erler indicated at the beginning of the Proceedings, the person responsible for the production of the manuscript passed away, necessitating that a replacement be found as soon as possible in order to complete the work and meet deadlines. This was not easy, and we apologize for the imperfections noted; the content however was not affected.
Both the Symposium speakers and authors for the Proceedings were selected by the Editorial Committee. The President and Vice-President chose, for their part, the order of the speakers. In brief, the general organization of the Proceedings is a reflection of IPS values. The Society aims to develop meetings that combine the work of both well-known scholars and younger scholars, who come from different countries and cultures and speak different languages. The Symposium at Würzburg was modelled on this. The aim was thus not to discourage this tradition, but to offer many scholarly streams an opportunity to present dialogues with different points of view (not necessarily new ones). We are happy that Malcolm Schofield appreciated a number of the papers, and are confident that other readers will find qualities in the wide range of submissions represented in this manuscript.
Michael Erler
Luc Brisson