
The IPS recognizes and lends its name to regional meetings in order to promote and/or support regional activities in the area of Platonic studies; it also helps by circulating information about the programme among IPS members.

Meetings should be organized by IPS member(s) belonging to the different countries and/or regions where they are to be held.  The involvement and attendance/participation of one or more Executive Committee members is desirable.


Organizers of regional meetings should follow a three stage process, in order not only to ensure the quality and originality of their project and its interest to the IPS in general, the transparency of the arrangements and the respect of the equal opportunities policy of the IPS, but also to provide the regional meetings with the visibility they deserve. The three stages should be as follows:

  1. the submission of an initial proposal (scientific aim, pertinence and originality of topic, knowledge of the status quaestionis in the field of global platonic studies, form of meeting, linguistic policy, financial arrangements, supporting bodies, etc.), no less than 3 months before the meeting;
  2. submission, as soon as available, of a draft programme, indicating participants and titles of papers;
  3. publication on the IPS website, within 6 months of the meeting, of a synthesis of the main questions raised at the meeting and of the central outcomes of the discussions held.

Financial support

Financial support from the IPS is available up to a maximum of 1,000 euros, depending on the purpose of the funding requested and the overall financial situation of each individual meeting (though members should bear in mind that the IPS’s funds are strictly limited).  A financial plan must be submitted with any application for funding, and a report must also be supplied after the meeting. Preference will be given to those countries/regions where activities in the area of Platonic studies have previously been limited, and/or where general financial conditions are difficult.

The IPS will welcome and value meetings of diverse kinds, whether larger and smaller, so long as they contribute to the general aims of the IPS, in accordance with the conditions stated above.

IPS Executive Committee:  April 2017