Facultad de Filosofía

Universidad Complutense de Madrid

Ciudad Universitaria

Campus de Moncloa

Plaza Menéndez Pelayo sin número



Monday, May 5  


8.00-9.00: Reception of the Participants (Central Hall, Ground floor)


9.00-10.00: Opening Ceremony (Paraninfo, Ground floor)


Welcome to the XIV Symposium:

Dean of the Faculty of Philosophy:  Prof. Dr.  Juan José García Norro


Memorial to Honor our Dearest Members:


Thomas More Robinson (Livio Rossetti: online)

Tomás Calvo Martínez (Álvaro Vallejo Campos)

Thomas Szlezák (Francisco Lisi)

Gianni Casertano (Lidia Palumbo)

Maurizio Migliori (Elisabetta Cattanei)


10.00-11.00: Plenary Session (Paraninfo) Chair: Mary Margaret Mc Cabe

De Vogel Lecturer: Prof. Christopher Rowe:

‘On (Mis-translating) Plato on Belief and Knowledge: the Theaetetus and Other Dialogues’


11.00-11.30: Coffee Break (Cafetería de Profesores, downstairs)


Parallel Session 1: Plato against Flux and Materialism (Paraninfo) Chair: Ivana Costa

11.30-12.10: Noburu Notomi: Epicharmus and Plato in the Theaetetus (152e)

12.10-12.50: Gregory MacIsaac: Plato’s Account of Presocratic Materialism: A New Interpretation of Theaetetus


Parallel Session 2: The Prologue (Salón de Grados: ground floor, first room on the right): Chair: Álvaro Vallejo

11.30-12.10: Sung-Hoon Kang: “Just Now or Long Ago” – The First Words of the Theaetetus

12.10-12.50: Gabriele Cornelli: Verdad y juego retórico en Platón (Tht.  142a-143d)


Parallel Session 3: Knowing Theaetetus (Seminario 217: First Floor: stairs on the left: half corridor on the left): Chair: Laura Candiotto

11.30-12.10: Jonathan Fine: Knowing Theaetetus (Tht. 142a-145c)

12.10-12.50: Lidia Palumbo: Sulla somiglianza tra Socrate e Teeteto e sul loro ruolo di specchi (Tht. 144d-145b)


13.00-14.15 Lunch (Cafetería de Profesores, downstairs)


Parallel Session 4: The Prologue (Paraninfo)

Chair: Irmgard Männlein

14.20-15.00: Benny Kozian, Approaching the truth:  The prologue as a non-aporetic way out (Tht. 142a1-143c7)

15.00-15.40: Filippo Forcignano: Il testo sotto sorveglianza: l’affidabilità della scrittura nel prologo del Teeteto


Parallel Session 5: Knowing Socrates (Salón de Grados) Chair: Lidia Palumbo

14.20-15.00: Antonino Spinelli: Socrate sapiente o ignorante? Una lettura paralella de Teeteto e Cratilo

15.00-15.40: Zdenek Lenner: Erōs et erōtēsis dans le Théétète: entre ignorer et savoir


Parallel Session 6: On Age and Wonder (Sala de Juntas) Chair: Luca Pitteloud

14.20-15.00: Martin Graceffa: Jeunesse et maturité dans le Théétète de Platon. (Autour de 149a-151d, 166a-169d et 172c-177c)

15.00-15.40: Chloe Balla: Why wonder? Plato on the proper predisposition to philosophy (155d)


Parallel Session 7: Self-Awareness (Seminario 217) Chair: Julia Pfefferkorn

14.20-15.00: Daniel Bloom: Self-Awareness and Lack of Self-Awareness in Plato’s Theaetetus (163d-164d, 184b-186e)


15.40-16.00: Short Coffee Break


Parallel Session 8: On Calculating (Paraninfo) Chair: Francisco Gonzalez

16.10-16.40: Yan Lu: Mathematical Incommensurability and Constructive Definition in Theaetetus 147d2-148b2

16.50-17.30: Pauline Sabrier-Thomas Seissl: Contingent Future in Plato’s Theaetetus (178a-179b)


Parallel Session 9: On Terms and Dialectics (Sala de Juntas) Chair: Álvaro Vallejo  

16.10-16.50: André Rehbinder: “Being” and “being such”, “greater” and “greater than”: two shifts of meaning in the Theaetetus (152a-168c)

16.50-17.30: Eleni Kaklamanou and Maria Pavlou:  Ἐπανόρθωσις in the Theaetetus 167e-168a


Parallel Session 10: The Theaetetus and the Philebus (Salón de Grados) Chair: Dougal Blyth

16.10-16.50: Olga Alieva:  Sense and Sensibility: the Theaetetus and the Philebus on Reason and Pleasure

16.50-17.30: Raffaella Antonini: The Theaetetus and the Philebus: where does the μέτρον truly lie? (Tht. 177c6-179b5)


Parallel Session 11: The Theaetetus, the Republic and the Philebus (Seminario 217) Chair:  Silvio Marino

16.10-16.50: Lia Theodorudi: The Theaetetus as a Synopsis of the Sciences

16.50-17.30: Sarah Feldman: Relative Measurement and the Structural Characteristics of Perception in Theaetetus 153d-158e and Philebus 41b-42c


18.00: Bus Service to the City Centre


19.00: Welcome Reception at the Círculo de Bellas Artes (downtown)



Tuesday May 6


9.00-10.00: Plenary Session 1 (Paraninfo): Chair: Noburu Notomi

Franco Ferrari: Aporia e maieutica: la struttura del Teeteto e il significato dell’esito aporetico del dialogo


10.00-11.00: Plenary Session 2 (Paraninfo) Chair: Claudia Marsico

Marcelo Boeri: “Cuando somos niños este recipiente (que es el alma) está vacío” Los aspectos tentadores de la epistemología empirista del Teeteto y por qué hay que resistir la tentación


11.00-11.30: Coffee Break


Parallel Session 1: Perception and Knowledge (Paraninfo): Chair: Franco Ferrari

11.40-12.20: Kristian Larsen: On Perception and Knowledge in Plato’s Theaetetus (151e-152d, 184b-186e)

12.20-13.00: Clement Heidsieck:  La théorie de la vision du Théétète (153e-154, 156a-e) est-elle platonicienne?


Parallel Session 2: Perception, Medicine and Knowledge (Sala de Juntas) Chair: Elisabetta Cattanei

11.40-12.20: Silvio Marino: Aspects of medical τέχνη and perception in Plato’s Theaetetus

12.20-13.00: Francesca Eustacchi: Scienza non è altro che percezione (Tht. 151e2-3): sul ruolo della percezione nel processo conoscitivo


Parallel Session 3: Flux, Buddhism and Esoteric Philosophy (Salón de Grados) Chair: Raúl Gutiérrez

11.40-12.20: Michael Griffin: The flux doctrine of Theaetetus 155d-160e and early Buddhist abhidharma analysis

12.20-13.00: Leo Trotz-Liboff: Esoteric Philosophy in Plato’s Theaetetus: 152c8-e9; 155e3-156c5 37


Parallel Session 4: Plato’s Homer/Reception in Origen and Plotinus (Seminario 217) Chair: Irmgard Männlein

11.40-12.20: Giovanni Trovato: Rotating heavens: Homer and the World Soul in Theaet. 153c-d

12.20-13.00: Ilaria Ramelli: Origen’s Creative Reception of Plato’s Theaetetus: Assimilation to God, the Destruction of Evil, Zetesis, and Convergences with Plotinus


13.00-14.15 Lunch


Parallel Session 5 (Paraninfo) Parmenides behind the Curtain Chair: Kristian Larsen

14.20-15.00: Dougal Blyth: Parmenidean Terms, Reason and Judgment at Theaetetus 183c-187a

15.00-15.40: Denis Walter: The koina (185a–186a) and Socrates’ Dream (201e–206b) in Light of the Second Part of the Parmenides


Parallel Session 6: On Δύναμιςποιεν and πάσχειν (Salón de Grados) Chair: Arnaud Macé

14.20-15.00: Carolina Araujo: Power as the mark of generation in the Theaetetus

15.00-15.40: Santiago Chame: The notions of ποιεῖν and πάσχειν in Plato’s Theaetetus


Parallel Session 7: Maieutics (Sala de Juntas): Chair: Chloe Balla

14.20-15.00: Laura Candiotto: The Embodiment of Maieutics

15.00-15.40: Zara Amdur, Phaenarete’s Midwifery (Theaetetus 149a-151d)


Parallel Session 8: The Philosopher (Seminario 217) Chair: Jorge Cano

14.20-15.00: Julia Pfefferkorn: The Philosopher’s Freedom (Tht. 172c8-173c6, 175d7- 176a2)

15.00-15.40: Marta Mascia-Bernat Torres: The portrayal of the philosopher in the central digression of Theaetetus: mathematical education and lack of φρόνησις (173 b – 175 b)


15.40-16.00: Short Coffee Break


Parallel Session 9: Tà koiná (Paraninfo) Chair: Álvaro Vallejo

16.00-16.40: Lloyd Gerson: Tà koiná

16.40-17.20: Francisco Gonzalez: Thinking of Common Characters in Plato’s Theaetetus 184-186 and the Aristotelian Reply


Parallel Session 10: On Secret Doctrines (Sala de Juntas) Chair: Miquel Solans

16.00-16.40: Manuela Rondón Triana: The Two Secret Doctrines of the Theaetetus (153d-160e, 181c-186e)

16.40-17.20: Richard Parry: Causes and the Secret Doctrine: Theaetetus 156a-e


Parallel Session 11: Which Protagoras?/Protagoras Refuted? (Salón de Grados) Chair: Francesca Pentassuglio

16.00-16.40: Michele Corradi: “Se all’improvviso spuntasse fuori qui emergendo fino al collo…” (171d): lo spettro del sofista tra Protagora e Teeteto

16.40-17.20: Jenny Strandberg: How to Refute a Protagorean: Negotiating a Relativist and an Infallibilist Reading of the Peritrope Passage in the Theaetetus (170a-171c)


Parallel Session 12: Socrates’s Protagoras/Protagoras Refuted? (Seminario 217) Chair: André Rehbinder

16.00-16.40: Mateo Duque: Imitation (Mimēsis) as the Cleverest Form of Criticism: Socrates’ “Protagoras” in the Theaetetus (166a2–168c2)

16.40-17.20: Luca Pitteloud: Le relativisme se réfute-t-il lui-même ? Théétète 171a-b


17.30-18.30: Plenary Session 3:  Chair: Rafael Ferber

Barbara Sattler: Mathematical knowledge in Plato’s Theaetetus


18.30-19.00 Walking Tour to the Residence of the Ambassador of Greece (1.9 kms; 30 min walk)

NB: If you need a taxi, please book it in advance by your own. Address:  Avda. Miraflores, 15 (Madrid)




19.00-20.30: Reception at the Residence of the Ambassador of Greece Ms. Aglaía Baltá

Bus Service to the City Centre: Stop 1: Moncloa; Stop 2: Gran Via


Wednesday, May 7   


9.00-10.00: Plenary Sessions 1 (Paraninfo): Chair: Arnaud Macé

Anne Balansard: La digression du Théétète: la dernière réfutation de Protagoras


10.00-11.00: Plenary Session 2 (Paraninfo) Chair: Debra Nails

Mi-Kyoung (Mitzi) Lee: What Plato learned from Protagoras


11.00-11.30: Coffee Break


Parallel Session 1:  Maieutics (Paraninfo) Chair: Irmgard Männlein

11.30-12.10: Mario Regali: La metafora del parto nel Teeteto (149a-152a) e il philosophos della Repubblica (VI 490a-b): aporia, maieutica e sophia nella caratterizzazione di Socrate

12.10-12.50: Alessandro Stavrou: Contextualizing Midwifery: Theaet. 149a-151d


Parallel Session 2: On Free Time/Radical Flux (Sala de Juntas) Chair: Anna Motta

11.30-12.10: Dino de Sanctis: Proteggere il giusto tempo della φιλοσοφία: l’elogio della σχολή nel Teeteto (172d4-175b7)

12.10-12.50: Diego García Rincón: Alteration and Indeterminacy in Plato’s Critique of Radical Flux (Theaetetus 182d1–183b5)


Parallel Session 3: Flux vs. Natures (Salón de Grados) Chair: Richard Parry

11.30-12.10: Andrew Griffin: What Must the Materialists not Overhear and Why? A Reading of Theaetetus 151e-184b

12.10-12.50: Akira Kawashima: “Everywhere Seeking the Entire Nature of Each Whole of the Beings”: an Incarnate Philosopher at Work in the “Digression” of Plato’s Theaetetus 


Parallel Session 4: The Waxen Block/The Jury (Seminario 217) Chair: Thomas Tuozzo

11.30-12.10: Ludovica Medaglia: A model designed to be inadequate: the Waxen Block in Plato’s Theaetetus (191a8-196c7)

12.10-12.50: Vilius Bartninkas: The Jury Passage at Theaetetus 201a-c: A Pragmatic Solution


13.00-14.15:  Lunch


Free Afternoon


Thursday, May 8 


9.00-10.00: Plenary Session 1 (Paraninfo) Chair: Ed Halper

Mary Margaret McCabe (King’s College): How to do things with birds


10.00-11.00: Plenary Session 2 (Paraninfo) Chair: Elisabetta Cattanei

Laura Marongiu: ‘Catching a Pigeon instead of a Dove? The Import of Mathematical Mistakes in the Aviary (Theaetetus 195e1-196b6; 198a4-199b6)


11.00-11.30: Coffee Break


Parallel Session 1: On Evil and God (Paraninfo) Chair: Raúl Gutiérrez

11.40-12.20: Vasilis Politis: Evil and the soul in the ‘digression’ of the Theaetetus

12.20-13.00: Rafael Ferber: Assimilation to God” (homoiôsis theô(i)) in Theaetetus 176a9–b2 and Laws 792c4–d5


Parallel Session 2:  On Godlikeness (Sala de Juntas) Chair: Alessandro Stavrou

11.40-12.20: Ikko Tanaka, J.F.: Godlikeness and Justice: Contemplating Divine Standards in Civic Life

12.20-13.00: Piera De Piano: Sulla somiglianza, dell’uomo con il filosofo e del filosofo con dio (143e-144e; 176a-b)


Parallel Session 3: On Serious Laughing (Salón de Grados) Chair: Debra Nails

11.40-12.20: James Clay: Socratic inquiry and the Enslaved Thracian woman of the Theaetetus Digression

12.20-13.00: Marta Jiménez: Who is Laughable and Useless?: Experience of What Matters and the Defense of Philosophy in the Theaetetus Digression (172a1-177c4)


Parallel Session 4: On Virtues (Seminario 217) Chair: David Ebrey

11.40-12.20: Aditi Chaturvedi: The Role of the Digression in Plato’s Theaetetus: Models of Epistemic Virtues and the Social Dimensions of Knowledge

12.20-13.00: Federico Petrucci: The Virtue(s) of the ‘Theaetetus’: A Gradualistic Interpretation of the ‘Digression’ (172c3-177c2) 35


13.00-14.15 Lunch


Parallel Session 5: Plato’s Evolution (Paraninfo) Chair: Raúl Gutiérrez

14.20-15.00: Ivana Costa: Indicios del Platón post-socrático en la Digresión (172c-177c)

15.00-15.40: Flavia Palmieri:  ἐπιστήμη and αἴσθησις: From Plato’s Theaetetus to the Old Academy


Parallel Session 6: Heraclitus (Sala de Juntas): Filippo Forcignano

14.20-15.00: Max Bergamo: Heraclitus’ Theory of the Opposites in the Theaetetus   

15.00-15.40: Paolo Gigli: Socrates’ rejection of Heracliteanism: A step-by-step analysis of Tht. 182c3-183a8


Parallel Session 7: On the Achievements of Knowledge (Salón de Grados) Chair: Manfred Kraus

14.20-15.00: Guus Eelink: Thought and the Achievements of Knowledge (Theaetetus 184-186): on Attaining Being and Truth

15.00-15.40: Colin C. Smith: Being as KoinonTheaetetus 185a-186e


Parallel Session 8: The Theaetetus and other Eleatic Dialogues (Seminario 217) Chair: Gabriele Cornelli

14.20-15.00: Miquel Solans Blasco: La figura del filósofo entre el Teeteto y el Sofista

15.00-15.40: William Altman: The Theaetetus and Plato’s Trilogy


15.40-16.00: Short Coffee Break



Parallel Session 9: On Opinion, Experience and Persuasion (Paraninfo)

Chair: Mary-Louise Gill

16.00-16.40: Thomas Tuozzo: True Opinion in the Theaetetus

16.40-17.20: Beatrice Lienemann: Empirical and non-empirical knowledge in the Theaetetus (184b4-187a1)

17.20-18.00: Samuel Meister: Socrates against Knowledge by Persuasion (Theaetetus 200d5–201c6)


Parallel Session 10: The Wax Block Model (Salón de Grados) Chair: Anne Balansard

16.00-16.40: Arnaud Macé: La nature des actes et des choses dans le Théétète (156a-d ; 174a-175a ; 203a-204a)

16.40-17.20: Suzanne Polge: True opinion, knowledge and thought in the Wax Block Mod

17.20-18.00: Emma Ponce: The Wax Heart of the Soul in the Theaetetus, 194c-195a: A Critique of Empedocles’ Empiricism


Parallel Session 11: The Aviary Model (Sala de Juntas) Chair: Hua-kuei Ho

16.00-16.40: Francesca Pentassuglio:  What Model(s) of Paideia in the Theaetetetus? The Aviary and the ‘Transmissive’ Way of Teaching (198a10–b6)

16.40-17.20: Carlos Carvalhar:   The aviary metaphor as an Egyptian imagery

17.20-18.00: Yuji Kurihara: Self-Knowledge and Socratic Ignorance in Plato’s Theaetetus


Parallel Session 12: The Third Definition (Seminario 217) Chair: Lea Schroeder

16.00-16.40: Cesare Simone Astorino: Knowledge and Belief: The Example of the Jury (201a-c)

16.40-17.20: Alex Montag: Socrates’ Investigation of Logos: Theaetetus 201d-210c

17.20-18.00: Liu Kezhou: Plato and Structuralist Mereology: Theaetetus 201c-210b


18.15-19.45: General Assembly of the IPS (only Members: Paraninfo)


20.00-20.30: Walking Tour to the ‘Museo del Traje’ for Closing Dinner

(23 min: 1,7 kms)

NB: If you need a taxi, please book it in advance by your own.


20.30-22.30: Closing Dinner

22.30: Bus Service to the City Centre: Stop 1: Moncloa; Stop 2: Gran Via.


Friday, May 9


Plenary Session 1 (Paraninfo) Chair: Mary-Louise Gill

9.00-10.00: De Vogel Lecturer: Ronald Polansky (and Kelsey Ward): The Prospect of Definitive Interpretation of the Theaetetus


Plenary Session 2 (Paraninfo) Chair: Emanuelle Maffi

10.00-11.00: Franco Trabattoni: Sul Significato Complessivo del Teeteto


11.00-11.30: Coffee Break




Parallel Session 1: On Logos in the Third Definition (Paraninfo) Chair: Laura Marongiu

11.40-12.20: Lin Li: The third account of logos in the Theaetetus 208c4-210b3 in light of Platonic division and collection

12.20-13.00: Jeremy Bredin: Antisthenes and the meaning of λόγος in the third definition of the Theaetetus


Parallel Session 2: On Dreaming and Knowledge (Sala de Juntas) Chair: Carolina Araujo

11.40-12.20: Manfred Kraus: Dreams Are Ten a Penny? Socrates’ Dream (Tht. 201-202)

12.20-13.00: I-Kai Jeng: Wisdom as Knowledge of Problem-Solving: Theaetetus 201c7-206b12


Parallel Session 3: On Names (Seminario 217) Chair: Michele Corradi

11.40-12.20: Anna Pavani:  Names in the Theaetetus

12.20-13.00: Marco Donato: Prodicus in the Theaetetus


Parallel Session 4: On the Soul (Salón de Grados) Chair: Mitzi Lee

11.40-12.20: David Ebrey: The Theaetetus on the soul’s proper activity

12.20-13.00: Lea Schroeder: Memory and Perceptual Error at Theaetetus 191c-196c


13.00-14.15 Lunch


Parallel Session 5: The Third Definition (Paraninfo) Chair: Barbara Sattler

14.20-15.00: Emanuele Maffi: Why is the Theaetetus a response to the Meno? Some reflections on the connection between Theaetetus 201d-210d and Meno 97e2-98b5

15.00-15.40: Gonzalo Gamarra: The Philosophical Importance of Theaeatetus’s Mathematical Example in relation to Theaetetus 201c–210d


Parallel Session 6: The Anonymous (Salón de Grados) Chair: Harold Tarrant

14.20-15.00: Simonas Baliukonis: The Theaetetus’ Ethical Digression according to the Anonymous

15.00-15.40: Anna Motta: Come leggere il Teeteto: il prologo del Commento Anonimo al Teeteto


Parallel Session 7:  Plato, Proclus and Damascious (Sala de Juntas): Chair: Mario Regali

14.20-15.00: Claudia Gianturco: Atheon illud et tenebrosum, quod et in Theetito Socrates ostendit: la centralità e il significato della ricezione procliana di Theaet.  176 a 5-e 5 nel De Malorum Subsistentia (48, 9-26)

15.00-15.40: José María Zamora: Las gestaciones aporéticas en Damascio


15.40-16.00: Short Coffee Break


Parallel Session 9: The paradox of not knowing what we know (Paraninfo): Chair: José María Zamora

16.00-16.40: Miguel García Baró: La imposibilidad del conocimiento que ya poseemos


Parallel Session 10: Plato and Aristotle (Sala de Juntas) Chair: Marcelo Boeri

16.00-16.40: Cristina Rossitto: Sulla terminologia del sapere fra il Teeteto e Aristotele


Parallel Session 11: Plato and Wittgenstein (Salón de Grados) Chair: Santiago Chame

16.00-16.40: Chiara Salamone: Sums, Wholes and Analysis in Theaetet. 203c-205e and in Wittgenstein’s Philosophical Investigations


Parallel Session 12: Plato and the Hermetica (Seminario 217) Chair: Marta Jiménez

16.00-16.40: Jorge Cano Cuenca: La recepción de la huida del mundo (Teeteto 176a-177c) en los Hermetica


16.45-17.45: Closing Plenary Session (Paraninfo): Chair: Anne Balansard

Harold Tarrant: Plato, Papyri and Secret Doctrine


17.45-19.00: Farewell Reception at the Faculty of Philosophy (Cafetería de Profesores)


19.00-20.00: Chryssa Georganta: Proagon

“The incredible story of desperate Iris and her comforting father Thaumas” (Paraninfo)