Plato’s Gorgias  – XIIth Symposium Platonicum Pragense

Prague, Villa Lanna Praha 6, V Sadech 1 – November 13–15, 2019


Wednesday, 13th of November

  • 14:00–15:00 : Kryštof Boháček (Prague) | Ethical or aesthetic criterion in Gorg. 447a-448e and 523a-527e? Two underlying concepts of kosmos
  • 15:15–16:15 : Vladimír Mikeš (Prague) | Is ethically neutral rhetoric (460c-461a) a real option for Plato and if not why?
  • 17:30–19:00 : Public Key Note Lecture: Michael Erler (Würzburg) | Socrates and the weakness of the strong man: The rhetoric of the true politician

Thursday, 14th of November

  • 09:30–10:30 : Panos Dimas (Oslo) | Justice, happiness and desire in the Gorgias
  • 10:45–11:45 : Tushar Irani (Middletown) | Socrates’ great speech in the Gorgias
  • 12:00–13:00 : Naly Thaler (Jerusalem) | Socrates and Callicles on pleasure and intrinsic value
  • 15:00–16:00 : Marie-Pierre Noël (Paris) | De l’Amphion d’Euripide au Socrate de Platon: la construction de l’héroïsme philosophique dans le Gorgias
  • 16:15–17:15: Emilia Cucinotta (Pisa) | The perils of phronesis. The import of the Gorgias in Socrates’ understanding of human excellence

Friday, 15th of November

  • 09:30–10:30 : Marta Jimenez (Atlanta) l Empeiria in Olympiodorus’ commentary to the Gorgias
  • 10:45–11:45 : Jamie Dow (Leeds) l What is true rhetoric in Plato’s Gorgias?
  • 12:00–13:00: David Machek (Bern) l Warum ist Unrechttun schlimmer als Unrechtleiden?
  • 15:00–16:00 : Frisbee Sheffield (Cambridge) l Desire, friendship and community in Plato’s Gorgias
  • 16:15–17:15 : Louis-André Dorion (Montréal) l Se délivrer du mal: elenchos et châtiment dans le Gorgias
